Chest Commands v3.0.7
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UploadedDec 7, 2014
Size123.12 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.7.9-R0.2
- 1.7.4
- 1.6.4
If you are upgrading from v2 read here before proceeding
- Added LEVELS icon node to require the user to have a certain level to click on the item. The levels will be removed.
- Added SKULL-OWNER icon node for 1.8, you can display player heads.
- Added partial support for 1.8, attributes will show up but in the future version of Spigot this may be change. Waiting for an update about this.
- Added the possibility to negate permission nodes in PERMISSION and VIEW-PERMISSION
- Requires the player NOT to have that permission
- Example > PERMISSION: '-my.node' (only players without the permission my.node will be able to click on the icon)
- Fixed the default no permission message for icons not being used. Please change it in the config, it was copy & pasted for error from the the no money message.
- Added a global click cooldown feature (anti click spam). Check in the config "anti-click-spam-delay" (it's expressed in millis), default is 200 millis (0.2 seconds).
- It doesn't do a per-icon check. Don't use it as cooldown for icons.
- It doesn't do a per-icon check. Don't use it as cooldown for icons.
- Added node VIEW-PERMISSION that is able to hide items to players without the permission.
- Fixed data values > 15 being considered invalid.
- Made the messages in /cc open configurable in lang.yml.
- Made the multiple commands separator configurable. By default, it's a semicolon ( ; ).
- Bug fix: signs were blue instead of dark blue.
- Prevent players with permission for making colored signs from making menu signs.
- Fixed configuration not saving default missing values when using /cc reload.
- Only bug fixes:
- Fixed error when a menu is not found
- AMOUNT not working
- Using the data value in the ID not working (use quotes if you really want to use it here)
- When using /cc open, you must have the permission for that menu too (
- Added PlayerPoints v2+ support:
- Added the node POINTS to make the user pay a certain amount of points to click on an icon.
- Added command type "give-points: <number>"
- Fixed "open: " command ignoring permissions
- Added "menu: " as alias of "open: "
Yes, I broke the autoupdater on purpose. This update should be installed manually and everyone should read the changelog.