Players can instant grow plants without bonemeal. #14

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to _ForgeUser8244018
  • _ForgeUser6882076 created this issue May 14, 2012

    When my players click on the wheat with their hands, immediately, it will pop to full growth.
    This only happens when the plant is supposed to be fully grown, but it doesn't show up for the player.
    I don't know why that happens, but their garden fails to load until they update that one block.
    When they just plant the new wheat, they must wait the full time to do it.

  • _ForgeUser6882076 added the tags New Defect May 14, 2012
  • _ForgeUser8244018 posted a comment May 15, 2012

    Never saw that before. Could you please post a list of the other plugins you are using?

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