Notice! I am currently very busy with both work and school. Please refrain from feature requests and only post bug reports, as I am unable to do extra work at this time.
ChatSuite provides an advanced Chat Management interface for servers, with channel and multi-world support. IRC support is planned for the future. A comprehensive command structure is provided, which you can access by typing /chatsuite ? or /cs help.
Table of Contents
- Github Wiki
- Default config.yml - Examination - Layout
- Examples
- Source
- Jenkins 5.1. Use of the plugin builds from Jenkins is unofficial, unsupported and unapproved by BukkitDev Staff!
- Channels, and permissions support for the creation thereof. (Node: chatsuite.create)
- A powerful localization file, to control the messages that users receive when requesting help. (
- Whispering and AFK systems (chatsuite.whisper and chatsuite.afk)
- ... and more!
I am currently working on documentation, which can be found at my github wiki.
The following is a very brief overview of the commands available via this plugin, many of which can be changed.
note: CommandBook's CraftScripts registers the command /cs, which will supercede this plugin's /cs (which is only an alias).
note 2: ChatSuite v2.0 (currently in progress) will have a completely redesigned command system. /cs will be used minimally, in favor of more relevant command names (/join, /part, etc) for the plugin.
- /chat ? (
- /chat [page] - Show paged help. The command pages have additional information.
- /chat afk ? - Will show command usage and syntax for the afk command. (chatsuite.afk)
- * /chat afk "[message here]"
- /chat whisper ? - Will show command usage and syntax for whispers. (chatsuite.whisper)
- * /w [player] "[message here]"
- /chat nick [nick] / /chat nick [player] [nick] (chatsuite.nick)
- * /nick - Reset your nickname.
- * /nick [new nick] - Change your nickname.
- * /nick [player] [new nick] - Change another player's nickname. (requires chatsuite.nick.other)
- * /nick [player] --reset - Resets the specified player's nickname. (requires chatsuite.nick.other)
- /chat target [target] (
- * /target c:[channel] - Sets your target to the specified channel. Can also be used without the c: prefix.
- * /target p:[player] - Sets your target to the specified player. Similar to whispering. Can be used without the p: prefix.
- /chat 4 / /chat 5 - Will show command usage and syntax for channel-based commands. (various)
- * /create [channel] ( (/ch create [channel] [type])
- * /join [channel] ( (/ch join [channel])
- * /part [channel] ( (/ch part [channel])
- * /invite [player] [channel] ( (/ch invite [player] [channel])
- * /msg [channel] "[message here]" ( (/ch msg [channel] "[message here]")
- * /ch list [-all] ( /
- * /ch set ? / /ch set [channel] option [value] (
- * * basic options
- * * /ch set [channel] color [color]
- * * /ch set [channel] permanent [boolean]
- * * /ch set [channel] owner [player]
- * * /ch set [channel] public [boolean]
- * * irc options
- * * /ch set [channel] network [irc network]
- * * /ch set [channel] channel [irc channel]
- * * /ch set [channel] enabled [boolean]
- * * /ch set [channel] key [irc channel password]
- /cs reload - Will reload ChatSuite. (chatsuite.reload)
- /cs debug - Will toggle debug mode in the server log (chatsuite.debug)
- /cs version - Will print ChatSuite's current version and build number. (chatsuite.version)
Okie thanks for letting me know, I'll just go to Privileges :3
@ShAd0wDev - Yes, you're using Permissions 3.x. My plugin uses Superperms, and doesn't hook any permissions plugins to provide resolution of permissions. 3.x won't work except for guests (normal users) and your highest ranked group (super admins) as ops.
I do not intend to change this functionality, now or ever. Please update to PermissionsBukkit, Privileges, bPermissions or PermissionsEx.
Sorry for the bad news.
Okay so I am having an issue, Im using the permissions plugin from Yeti, but an updated 3.x version, okay so my groups are Guest, Regular, Moderator, Super Moderator, Admins, Super Admins. Guest being the default ground, So i setup the config to match these exact groups in the same order, and for some reason, Regular members are showing up as Guests. Am I doing something wrong ?
Hi, Can you please add multiple prefixes to the to do list.
Ok thanks well for the chat ban / unban till thats done we can use Falsebook's /mute and /unmute
Can't wait to see when the channels are done
Thanks for deving this great plugin.
Hi guys, thanks for all the feedback and comments. :)
@matthew9170 - I plan on releasing this soon, but my work schedule is really busy and I've got other plugins with bugs that need fixing (more than feature requests need implementing, anyway), so it's not my #1 priority. I'll get it done, though!
@ahdoom23 - Interesting request! I'll take a look at the API but it won't be a priority feature unless it turns out to be very easy to implement. For posterity, could you post an addition to the forum "To-do list" for me?
@Alrik94 - Make sure you're using the latest versions of Multiverse, and the %w variable as matthew9170 suggested. Alternatively you can just disable the feature altogether and let Multiverse inject its world variable changes for you!
@DagumBoss - Update Multiverse. That happens because you're using Core v2.1 instead of 2.2. ;)
Are you using the %w syntax?
Can this support EventLink in the future?
I'm planning on switching from herochat to something more...lets say recent...
And Chatting with eventlinked servers would be perfect :)
There is an API available here:
How come when I switch worlds on MultiVerse, it doesn't notice that I changed worlds on ChatSuite?
Is there anyway to create a fixed channel list? I just want a few standard channels next to the global and world channel like say a Help channel for people to come with questions.. when the server starts...
Sweet so now we can have multiple permanent channels, any idea when this will be done? Also can you add a way to ban / unban someone from a channel via a command.
I get this error on startup
@matthew9170 - Channel support is minimal at the moment, but all of the information you need is provide in the commands section of the main post. I'm going to be working on a rather powerful channel system in the near future.
@DagumBoss - Does ChatSuite report that it's enabling properly? If it does, then try doing one of the commands like /chatsuite help. /chatsuite itself doesn't really do anything.
I installed, /chatsuite doesn't do anything. No response in game or in logs. What's wrong w this plugin?
Can you add a little more documentation on how to configure the plugin, like how perms groups work with it, how to add different channels?
Completely understandable, I thought I would just compile a list of features which would make this the best chat plugin around so it could be something you could work towards.
I'm looking forward for the IRC support. Great work.
I really would appreciate a forum post (if nothing else just because of the added organization) to continue this discussion, but this is fine too. It's nice to see activity. :)
B3NW - I'm a very busy guy (50+ hour work weeks and three moderately high traffic plugins), so the features can be added but might take some time. The channel customization features were already planned (channels.yml), and going to be integrated when I write my own IRC module so that I don't have to use CraftIRC (which, for no particular reason, doesn't work with its own default config).
FawltyTowers - The group line allows you to customize an additional variable (%g), but isn't entirely necessary. Each variable itself can (inside of it) parse other variables, and so on. I had originally intended for the "group" line to be part of a hook for other plugins (for example CommandBook could hook ChatSuite to change the way a player's name appeared in /who, based on their 'group' variable), but no one ever hooks me so that is a dead end. Instead it's just a variable.
Regarding the top level /cs, I can simply add aliased versions of each command, but I want to keep it for possible conflicts (where ChatSuite loses). It's not hurting anything by being there, and it provides that additional layer of certainty that the command is available if someone wants it.
Channel format - It's ambiguous (because I was probably half asleep when I wrote it), but the 'message' format applies to individual channels (including worlds). The global format applies solely to the global channel for the server.
In regards to the current discussion going on, I think you should take a leaf out of HeroChats book, the reason I use this plugin is because it trumps HeroChats idea of a chat plugin.
Other notes
Thanks for your time!
I'm wondering if I should start a forum thread for this discussion instead of clogging up the comments.
I went ahead and made new groups in the config to mirror my permissions groups. What would really be helpful would be a more thorough explanation of each config line. I think I've got most of it worked out but what is the 'group' line for under each group? Also I'm assuming the 'weight' line is a priority thing for if one permission group has more than one chatsuite group node. Is that correct? I feel like I'm having a tough time getting it to play nice with bPerms.
Lastly, I wouldn't mind if the config was more of a monster if we could have more control over the channels that were created. Maybe even a separate yml? I'm sure you've heard this, but I really liked how HeroChat gave you channel control, and within the config you could set who was and wasn't allowed to join certain channels via permissions group name. For me this would be very helpful so that for example a mod could join the staff chat without having to be invited.
Either way I can't thank you enough for the plugin. It's pretty awesome and so far I'm liking the direction it's going! Thanks again, and let me know if you'd rather me post in the forum next time! =]