
This is the default configuration, as it comes with the plugin.

Messages appear as so: [Global] [d] krinsdeath@world: hello everyone!
%c = channel -> [Global]
%d = prefix -> [d]
%n = name -> krinsdeath
%w = world -> world, or an alias if you've specified it in Multiverse
%m = message -> the message the player typed to initiate a chat event


    default_locale: en
    locales: [en]
    # if allow_channels is false, your users will be unable to use any channel
    # related commands, and as such the default channel will become their permanent
    # chat place (it is recommended to set default_channel to global if you set this to false)
    # note: a change to this setting will require a full /reload or server restart
    allow_channels: true
    allow_whispers: true
    allow_afk: true
    # This is the default channel a player will be chatting in. A value of 'global'
    # means that they will chat to everyone on the server, while 'world' means
    # that only players on their current world will see their messages.
    # values for default_channel are ONLY 'global' or 'world'
    default_channel: global
    global_channel_name: 'Global'
    # persist_user_settings will determine whether or not individual user settings
    # like localizations and channels will be persisted between sessions
    # if this is set to true, it will increase overhead by a small amount
    persist_user_settings: false
    debug: false
    # %f = faction format
    # %h = Heroes class
    # %c = channel name
    # %n = player name; %dn = player display name
    # %t = target name; %dt = target display name
    # %p = prefix; %s = suffix
    # %w = world
    # %m = sent message
    # &0-F = color codes, case-insensitive
        weight: 1
        channel: ''
        prefix: '&A[&7d&A]&B'
        group: ''
        suffix: ''
        afk: ''
            global: '%c %p %n&A@&B%w&F: %m'
            message: '%p %n&A@&B%w&F: %m'
            whisper_send: '&6To &B%t&6>>&F %m'
            whisper_receive: '&6From &B%t&6>>&F %m'
        weight: 2
        channel: '&A[&B%c&A]'
        prefix: '&A[&B-&A]&B'
        group: ''
        suffix: ''
        afk: ' &A[&6afk&A]'
            global: '%c %p %n&A@&B%w&A%afk&F: %m'
            message: '%c %p %n %afk&F: %m'
            whisper_send: '&6To &B%t&6>>&F %m'
            whisper_receive: '&6From &B%t&6>>&F %m'
        weight: 3
        channel: '&A[&B%c&A]'
        prefix: '&A[&C@&A]&B'
        group: ''
        suffix: ''
        afk: ' &A[&6afk&A]'
            global: '%c %p %n&A@&B%w&A%afk&F: %m'
            message: '%c %p %n %afk&F: %m'
            whisper_send: '&6To &B%t&6>>&F %m'
            whisper_receive: '&6From &B%t&6>>&F %m'


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