
An Examination of the ChatSuite config.yml

So you've got the default config file loaded up. Holy crap! That's some ridiculous stuff.

In order to show the power of the configuration, I've included a rather complicated default format for each group. As a result, it can be a bit overwhelming. The following sections will teach you how to manipulate this (very) powerful system.


Variables are defined by the % prefix, followed by a letter - such as %p or 'prefix'. Each variable can be manipulated by the corresponding entry in the group; %p becomes what is written in prefix, %s -> suffix, etc. The default configuration gives a brief overview of the variables, but the following is a list for your reference!

Note: Each variable's name is completely arbitrary, as the order of their execution is decided by the format of the message.

  • %p - Prefix. The most commonly requested variable. Evaluates to whatever is written in that group's 'prefix' field.
  • %g - Group variable. Evaluates to whatever is written in the 'group' field in that group's section.
  • %s - Suffix. Evaluates to whatever appears in 'suffix'
  • %w - World. Evaluates to whatever that player's current world name is. Shows Multiverse world alias and color, if defined!
  • %t - Evaluates to whatever your current target is.
  • %n - Player name. Pretty self-explanatory.
  • %dn - Player display name. Can be altered with the /nick command.
  • %afk - AFK. Evaluates to the 'afk' field specified for that group. Useful if you use chatsuite's afk system; otherwise, it's pointless.
  • %h - Heroes class. This variable hooks the plugin 'heroes' to evaluate their current class. Cannot be edited by ChatSuite, only inserted.
  • %m - Message. The last variable that is evaluated, message actually evaluates to the message sent by the player when they pressed enter.

Color Codes

Each field and format can itself contain color codes, which are specified by an ampersand (&) followed by a number (0-9) or letter (A-F). These codes are case-insensitive. note: under construction

  • 0 - Black
  • 1 - Dark Blue
  • 2 - Dark Green
  • 3 - Dark Aqua
  • 4 - Dark Red
  • 5 - Dark Purple
  • 6 - Gold
  • 7 - Gray
  • 8 - Dark Gray
  • 9 - Blue
  • A - Green
  • B - Aqua
  • C - Red
  • D - Light Purple
  • E - Yellow
  • F - White. Default color for all messages.


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