Supported Bukkit Versions
- See compare for full changelog.
- Updated to AsyncPlayerChatEvent and Bukkit 1.3.1-R1.0
- Fixed a few possible concurrency issues since the Async update
- Added a few optimizations to event handlers
- Mute is no longer default TRUE
- plugin.yml node templates now default to false properly
- Multiple default channels can now be set
- See compare for full changelog
- Improved persistence of member, admin and auto-join lists
- Fixed output from /part and /join
- Fixed /invite, should no longer create a member entry every time you invite someone
- /ch list now works from the console
- See compare for full changelog
- Added /mute for players and channels.
- Fixed managers not properly handling object retrievals
- Fixed /chat reload. Doesn't suck anymore.
- /invite now has error checking, and it works.
- Fixed possible NPE on ChatPlayer.parseSelf()
- /invite now properly outputs details to the sender and the invitee.
- Whispers are now logged.
- New config.yml options: plugin.prefixOnJoin and plugin.prefixOnQuit, values of true/false.
- Players can no longer target channels they're not on.
- See compare for full changelog
- Release worthy build, finally!
- Fixed a few tiny issues, including...
- Player data now persists properly
- Targets can no longer be set for channels you're not in
- No more memory leaks for servers with low tick rates!
- Fixed invalid text characters: $, \ and &
- Implemented more commands, including in-game channel and group settings
- Fixed op_fallback
- Long awaited 2.0 release candidate! I'm working as quickly as I can to get everything up to date and working properly for 1.2.5+
- Implemented a few extra commands for setting group options from in-game. Type /chat group for info.
- Added some new IRC features, which are incomplete and shouldn't be used unless you're comfortable with bugs!
- Switched to normal chat events; channels should still work
- Fixed world change event
- Fixed Factions interaction - now uses normal Factions tag insertion (configure in plugins/Factions/conf.json)
Version 1.1.0 b90
- Fixed MV requirement
- Removed factions dependencies and removed factions hooking; implementing new way of dealing with it.
- Fixed some other stuff.
Version 1.1.0 b88
- Recommended for b1597+ (MC 1.0.0)
- Changed finalName in pom
Version 1.1.0 b70
- Updated internal permissions handling for groups
- Fixed multiple groups with op status glitch
- Tested and compiled against Bukkit build 1566
Version 1.0.10 b52
Version 1.0.10 b48
- Quick update to CommandHandler latest version
- Added chat logging
- Updated to MV2.2 API; legacy versions will NO LONGER work.
Version 1.0.9 b39
- Quick fix to group tracking
Version 1.0.9 b38
- Whispers no longer require quotations for multiple word messages
- AFK messages no longer overwrite standard messages
- Added %afk description in config.yml
Version 1.0.8 b37
- Fixed possible null pointer during channel messages
Version 1.0.7 b36
- Added CommandHandler validation; requires v1.0 or better now (conflicts will be mentioned in server.log)
- Added real-time group updates for permissions changes
- Added confirmation message to /chatsuite reload
Version 1.0.5 b34
- Fixed $ (dollar sign) breaking chat
- Removed !node for checking chat formats in-game
Version 1.0.4 b30
- Fixed Faction coloring
- Fixed possible ZipException because I'm dumb
- Moved to JDK1.5 from 1.6
Version 1.0.3 b26
- Added faction coloring
- Fixed default channel settings
- Minor code cleanup
Version 1.0.3 b24
- Added Heroes support; plugin now parses a player's hero class in chat with the variable %h
Version 1.0.3 b23
- Cleaned up a bunch of code
- Changed plugin.yml's command from /cs to /chatsuite, and cleaned up the aliases
- Consolidated commands into a recognizable and uniform layout
Version 1.0.3 b22
- Added /cs debug, /cs reload, /cs locale, and /cs version, each with corresponding chatsuite.[command] permission nodes.
- Plugin now registers group names to chatsuite.groups.[groupname], where each groupname corresponds to its name in config.yml
- Fixed default permissions
Version 1.0.2
- Added Factions support, via the variable %f in the configuration file.
- beta release
Version 1.0.1
- Fixed deprecated Multiverse method getMVWorlds()
- Minor bug fixes, command implementation
Version 1.0
- Initial github commit
- alpha release