
Reason for Creating

On our server, we allow members and above to use all the fancy formatting and colour controls of essentials / minecraft chat. However i hate when people use the &k / §k feature as they too easilly abuse it and overdo it.

So i created a simple plugin that checks for that sequence of chars in the chat message and if found it removes it and posts the rest of the chat message to the chat.

Basic Functionality

The basic functionality (really the only functionality) of this plugin is to stop people from being able to do things like:

- &k<message> and §k<message> in the minecraft chat window, when they do, my plugin will capture that and turn it into <message>, that way people won't have to put up with the scrolling text.


Place the ChatKKiller.jar file into your plugins directory and restart your server, couldn't be easier.

Potential Issues

I have no idea if it works without essentials being installed, the § character is what Mojang chose to use i believe for colour and formatting on chat, essentials uses the & character, i can't type or copy and paste the § character into my minecraft client so i can't test that side of it, but it has been tested and is working 100% successfully on our server which has essentials + essentials-chat installed.


- v0.1 - Creation of initial plugin. - Not much happened here except creating the plugin and trial and error with working out how to capture and remove the necessary character sequence.


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