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ChatColor allows players to change the colour and style of their chat to many different things! Colour your chat in over 16 million different colours, with all Minecraft colours, modifiers and hex colours supported!

Important Note: This plugin description is out of date, please check the Spigot page for the most up-to-date information.


Plugin Support
If you need some help or support with the plugin, please join my support Discord server here:
  • Change the colour of your players' chat message to over 16 million different possibilities.
  • Supporting legacy, hex, rainbow, and gradient colours, giving you maximum customisability.
  • All modifiers including bolditalicunderlined, and even obfuscated if you really want it, are available.
  • MySQL & MariaDB support - keep your colours the same across all of your servers.
  • Supports setting colours from console - easy to include as a donor purchase reward.
  • Complete set of permissions allowing for fine control over player access to colours.
  • Custom colour system to make it easier to create and save your favourite hex, rainbow, or gradient colours.
  • Group colour system to enable permission-based set colours
  • Fully customisable plugin messages.
  • Fully customisable GUI for advanced colour selection.
  • Settings to modify plugin functionality.
  • Helpful and friendly author! Always here to help where I can.
Note: See below for help on commands, permissions, colours, modifiers and settings!
  • <value> = Required value.
  • [value] = Optional value.
Main Command:
  • /chatcolor [player] <color/default> [modifiers] - Change yours or a player's chat colour!
  • For a custom colour, use: /chatcolor [player] %<name>
    The name is defined in the custom-colors.yml config file.
  • Note: Please see here for information on hex colours! The format is like so: &#RRGGBB, where each character after the # must be a number or letter between 0-9 and a-f.
Admin Commands:
  • /chatcolor permissionshelp - Shows permissions help!
  • /chatcolor settingshelp - Shows settings help!
  • /chatcolor reload - Reloads all configs, use if you changed them while running!
  • /chatcolor reset - Use with caution, resets the config to the default!
  • /chatcolor set <setting> <value> - Changes one of the many settings! (See below for details)
  • /chatcolor confirm - Confirms a setting change.
  • /chatcolor group <add/remove/list> [name] [color] - Adds, removes, or lists group colours. You can use these to give groups a chat color through permissions (see below).
  • /chatcolor custom <add/remove/list> [name] [color] - Adds, removes, or lists custom colours. The color must be a valid custom color string.
Other Commands:
  • /chatcolor - Shows your current chat colour!
  • /chatcolor gui - Open a GUI for selecting your desired colour!
  • /chatcolor <add/remove> <modifier> - Adds or removes a modifier from your chat colour.
  • /chatcolor available - Shows your available colours and modifiers!
  • /chatcolor commandshelp - Shows command help! You can also use /chatcolor help.
Customisable GUI:
  • The GUI is fully customisable in the config file gui.yml.
  • There are instructions for creating your own GUIs as well as three example GUIs (one for normal colours, one for hex colours and one for custom colours) ready to go in the config.
  • Feel free to drop me a message if you need any help!
  • command-name - Changes the base command to whatever you want!
  • color-override - Changes whether ChatColor overrides '&' colour symbols in messages.
  • confirm-timeout - Changes the time that players get when making a decision.
  • default-color - Changes the colour that all players get when joining (also one-time sets all players).
  • join-message - Changes if players are told their colour when joining.
  • notify-others - Changes whether players are told if their chat colour is changed by someone else.
  • auto-save - Changes whether the plugin will auto-save to files every 5 minutes, in case of a crash
  • save-interval - Sets the time interval between saves for the plugin.
  • force-custom-colors - Changes whether the plugin will force custom colours to be used. Note: This is actually group colours not custom colours.
  • command-opens-gui - If set to true, /chatcolor will open the GUI instead of telling you your colour.
Colours & Modifiers:
Valid Colours:
  • 0 or black
  • 1 or
  • 2 or green
  • 3 or dark.aqua
  • 4 or red
  • 5 or purple
  • 6 or gold
  • 7 or grey
  • 8 or dark.grey
  • 9 or blue
  • a or
  • b or aqua
  • c or
  • d or magenta
  • e or yellow
  • f or white
  • All hex colours, in the format #RRGGBB
Valid Modifiers:
  • k or obfuscated
  • l or bold
  • m or strikethrough
  • n or underlined
  • o or italic
  • chatcolor.* Grants a player all ChatColor permissions. Please note that you cannot use a custom colour if you have this permission!
  • chatcolor.use - Allows a player to use /chatcolor and /chatcolor cmdhelp.
  • chatcolor.use-color-codes - Allows a player to use & colour codes in the chat.
  • chatcolor.use-hex-codes - Allows a player to use hex codes to color their chat (allows ALL colours!).
  • chatcolor.special - Allows a player to use rainbow and gradient colours via the /chatcolor command. Does not allow use of preset custom colours.
  • chatcolor.gui - Allows use of the GUI to select a colour.
  • chatcolor.color.* - Allows a player to use all colours.
  • chatcolor.color.<color> - Allows a player to use colour.
  • chatcolor.modifier.* - Allows a player to use all modifiers.
  • chatcolor.modifier.<modifier> - Allows a player to use a modifier.
  • chatcolor.change.* - Allows a player to change everyone's chat color.
  • chatcolor.change.self - Allows a player to change their own colour.
  • chatcolor.admin - Allows a player to use all admin commands.
  •<color-name> - Sets a player/group's group colour.
  • chatcolor.custom.<color-name> - Gives a player access to a custom colour.
Note: You must use either numbers or letters found above for the colours and modifiers permissions.
Here are the different placeholders you can use for this plugin:
  • %cc_full_color% -  Returns the full colour (colour + modifiers) of a player. Can then be used to colorise text after it.
    Note: Rainbow & gradient colours will not be displayed!
  • %cc_color% - Returns the colour only (no modifiers) of a player.
  • %cc_color_name% - Returns the name or character of the player's colour, e.g. a, b, c, or %custom-name.
  • %cc_colored_color_name% - Same as %cc_color_name%, but the colour is applied to the text returned.
  • %full_color_name% - Returns the full word version of a player's colour, e.g. red, black, dark green.
  • %colored_full_color_name% - Same as %cc_full_color_name%, but the colour is applied to the text returned.
  • %cc_modifiers% - Returns the modifiers only (no colour) of a player. Can then be used to modify text after it.
  • %cc_modifier_names% - Returns the modifier names, e.g. l, mn, lmn.
  • %cc_modified_modifier_names% - Same as %cc_modifier_names%, but with the modifiers applied to the text returned.
  • %cc_full_modifier_names% - Returns the full word version of a player's modifiers. e.g., bold, italic.
  • %cc_modified_full_modifier_names% - Same as %cc_full_modifier_names%, but with the modifiers applied to the text returned.
  • %cc_group% - Returns the player's current active group name, or "None" if there isn't one.
  • %cc_<color/modifier>_available% - Returns either 'gui-available' or 'gui-unavailable' from the messages.yml, based on if the player has the necessary permission. e.g. %cc_a_available%
  • Plugin showcase by Barbercraft!:)
Data Collection:
This plugin uses bStats to collect some statistics about usage of the plugin and sends them to This can be disabled by changing 'stats' in the config.yml to false. The statistics sent include Version Demographics, Server/Player Statistics, Server Location, Operating System etc. The stats available to the public are Version Demographics, Server Location, Rank, Java Version and Global Statistics. These are viewable at
  • If you find any bugs, please report them! Reports are very helpful so that I know what I'm doing wrong and what I need to fix!
  • You can report bugs through GitHub, by direct message, or joining the support Discord server shown at the top of this page.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 10, 2015
  • Last Released File
    May 6, 2024
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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