ChatCo v0.23


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  • Uploaded
    May 8, 2013
  • Size
    20.45 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.5.2-R0.1


  • Whispers can now be seen in the main command window and in the server log if WhisperMonitoring is set to true in the config, enabled by default.
  • Fixed an error that was caused by whispering players not currently online.
  • Added /r and /reply for replying to whispers.
  • Replies can be disabled by setting ChatCo.ReplyCommands to false in the config.
  • Updated the plugin for 1.3.1-R1.0, you should no longer receive an error in the console on server startup when using ChatCo.
  • Fixed an error related to /ignore commands. The command worked fine before, this fix simply prevents the console from being spammed when players type the command the wrong way.
  • Added /ignore. Ignores are persistent. Check for more info.
  • Added /togglechat. Toggling chat disables all the regular chatting for the player.
  • Added /toggletells. Toggling tells disables tells from other players.
  • Several new nodes in the config, please delete your old config before updating the plugin.
  • Added whisper formatting support, you can now change the format of whispers as you please by changing two nodes in the config, check help.txt or the usage page on devbukkit for more information.
  • Removed the default color codes, if you want to use them you'll have to set the values in the config yourself(they're still working, they're just disabled by default).
  • Added permission support, check help.txt or the usage page for more information
  • Added bold, underline, italic and strikethrough chat codes and prefixes - be careful when using bold, it displays inconsistently (try changing to pirate speak language on minecraft and using bold)
  • The whisper commands are now case insensitive, e.g. /Tell would revert to the bukkit standard formatting prior to this fix, the new whispers should now be working correctly regardless if the message is written in all lowercase, uppercase or a combination of both.
  • Fixed a bug that caused prefixes and color codes to not always disable correctly.
  • The new whispers should now work correctly with most anti-spam plugins.
  • Added fully customizable prefixes and color codes.
  • Included help.txt to explain some of the features.
  • Initial bukkitdev release.

The console may get an error every once in a while, the plugin should still be doing what it's supposed to do though.