What it does?
This plugin allows you to see directly what a player is saying by just looking at the top of his head, where you will see a chatbubble containing the text he wrote.
You require the HoloAPI in order for this plugin to work. You can get the HoloAPI by clicking here.
Known Bugs
- If you log in then out, chat bubbles stay static to the location they we're first created. (This will be fixed, when I get the time)
You can use /chatbubbles enable to enable chatbubbles for yourself, or /chatbubbles disable to disable them. More coming soon. This plugin doesn't contain permission support but it's a feature which is going to be added.
Developer API
It's not really a developer api, but you can hook into the plugin and use enable/disable players using code. :D
Does not work, No error in console it Just don't work i Downloaded holoAPI but its still not working (I tried /chatbubbles enable) please help
Would also be neat to customize the tag and text color. (On our server for example white and black would go best)
Some feature requests.
1)Messages follow players. 2)Don't limit spam to such an extreme. (prevent pointless typing of random letters, but not structured text, it will make typing really frustrating for some people who type in short bursts.(or allow us to configure to turn spawn filter off or reduce the timer) 3)Messages stack above the players head if they send more than one message 4)Message stay for a configurable amount of time before fading.
Love the plugin as it is, but these would make it so much cooler.
HoloAPI ;D