Chat Guard
This plugin protects your server from flood, spam, caps and swearwords in chat, commands and signs. You can configure list of swearwords, punishments and the number of warnings after which the player will be punished.
- Flood prevention
- Caps prevention
- Swearword prevention
- Advetisment prevention
- Informing admins/moders about violations
- Chat cleaning
- Global mute
- Any punishment that you can do with commands
- Player get warnings
- Removing disallowed characters
- Checking for updates (Can be disabled in the config)
- Removes spam from items
Video tutorial
Waiting for tutorial with new version. Contact me if you did :)
[] - required, () - optional
/chatguard - copyright and version
/chatguard ban [WORD] - Add new banned [WORD]
/chatguard unban [WORD] - Remove banned [WORD]
/chatguard whitelist [WORD] - Do not mark [WORD] as advertisment or swearing
/chatguard cc (ALL|Player) - Clear your (or everyone's/Player's)
/chatguard info (Player) - Show your warnings or (Player)'s
/chatguard globalmute - Toggle globalmute
/chatguard warn [Player] [Type] - Warn [Player]
/chatguard mute [Player] ([Time] (Reason)) - mute player(time format - 1s, 1m, 1h, 1d, default - seconds)
/chatguard unmute [Player] - unmute player
/chatguard clear (Type) (Player) - Clear some warnings
/chatguard help - Show help page
/chatguard reload - Reload plugin configurations
Permission | Description |
chatguard.* | Full Access! |
chatguard.banword | add new swearwords |
chatguard.unbanword | and remove swearwords |
chatguard.warn | access to /cg warn command |
chatguard.mute | ability to mute players |
chatguard.unmute | and unmute players |
chatguard.whitelist | access to /cg whitelist command |
chatguard.clearwarnings | access to /cg clear command | | access to /cg list command | | watch information about other players |
chatguard.inform.[flood,spam,swear,caps] | for receiving alerts about violations |
chatguard.clearchat | access to /cg cc commad |
chatguard.clearchat.all | ability to clear chats of all players |
chatguard.clearchat.others | access to cleaning another's chat |
chatguard.globalmute | access to /cg globalmute command |
chatguard.reload | access to /cg reload command |
chatguard.ignore.* | ignore all protections |
chatguard.ignore.[flood,spam,swear,caps,characters] | ignore [flood,spam,swear,caps] protection |
chatguard.ignore.globalmute | ignore global mute |
chatguard.ignore.cooldown | ignore cooldown | | ignore /cg cc ALL |
Metrics and Updater
This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to
A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version and core
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version
- The server's location
- Enabled filters
Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true. Also plugin checks for updates, that you can change by editing plugins/ChatGuard/config.yml
Hi guys! I'm back!
And now I'm making ChatGuard 7 with new functions and fixes! I will post a preview version here after few days. And I'm looking for new ideas for plugin
Is it possible to check whether a particular player has already been booked? Without the / cg list to use. Because of this our server brings to crash. Could a / cg infoPLAYER imagine.
Can you put colors on messages?
Good plugin can you put colors on messages? plz
Hi ! some source released ? I've changed AuthMe API and i would pr change into your plugin ^_^
Hey! Great plugin, Few questions when players try use numbers [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] ect it says 'Deactivate capslock' but its a number,...the numbers are in the file allowed symbols
Current method to detect IPs is bad because plugin split check message word by word. In new version it will be fixed.
Awesome, I see you divided each chat violation into separate consequences, just how it should be :D
By the way, When I applied this plugin i started getting an exceptional ammount of server publicity spam (What a cohincidence. Maybe players are more rebelious because of the restrictions?)
In any case, the thing is I noticed they can avoid the IP sharing restrictions by simply removing the dots "." from the IP, the matter gets further complicated if their IP is not numeric (In which case I guess the best option would provably be to ban the IP as bad language)
Is there any way that I can also block IP numbers whith one or multiple spaces instead of dots?
Great job man.
In addition, Im fully rewriting plugin. I decided to make plugin more customizable and new config is the first step :)
There is a preview version of it -
No hurry man :) Thank you for your consideration.
I'm slowly working on plugin update. It will contain new functions and a lot of improvements. But I dont know when I can finish work.
Hey, just wanted to point out some stuff:
-Configuration info is outdated. There are more entries on the actual last config version than listed on this page.
-Is it not possible to ban players for certain violations? Instead of all. For example, I only want players who make publicity to get banned. Maybe even whith some intelligent action, like checking if the player has just logged in, or if it's a regular player just mentioning another server (in which case punishment could be lower)
Besides all that, the plugin looks awesome, and I'm sure it can only get better :) Great job.
I was reading the config page and it says:
Does this mean I can make it mute a player if they flood 1 time but not mute them unless they use caps 9 times?
I tried adding:
and then:
But they both wait until I swear 10 times, instead of 7.
Did I misunderstand your config comment or am I doing something wrong?
messages.yml already supports color codes :)
Can you make it so we can add color to the messages in messages.yml? please & thanks :)
Hi. Now I'm rewriting plugin and I will try to accommodate your idea
Hello Den_Abr, your Plugin is still the best Chat Plugin for my 1.5.2 Server and i want to thank you for that! :)
I have a two possbile new features for you, it could be nice if a direct punishment is possible for Adversting, because its very exactly and misstakes are very rare or for Expample the Insult "Test" = Kick and "Test2" = mute, and "Test3" = nothing so is the Chance of a misstake not so high^^
I hope again that my english is not too unintelligible. Greetz Fabii
Hello I have a problem with most to all the chat plugins on my server including chatguard. There is always some sort of problem with the plugin such as with simple broadcast it only uses its default settings. With chatguard it is banning people for (even though i didnt tell it to do that) for saying anything at all! And finally with essentials chat it wont use the chat format I give it it only uses the default chat format. I just installed mods onto the server with cauldron and they stopped working but these plugins as far as I know were working with cauldron but without mods. If you can help it would be most appreciated thanks ;). Also the server is 1.7.10.
Mods on the Server: bibliocraft forbidden magic (thaumcraft addon) mantle (tinkers construct core mod) tinkers construct thaumcraft thaumic tinkerer (thaumcraft addon) backpacks mod magical crops
Chat Plugins: Essentials chat chatguard simple broadcast
Got a litte bug.
Your plugin works greatly but if i try to use colourcodes like &1 it doesnt work. the '&' simply dissapears. If you post the & solo it works without problem. I got no idea why this happens.
Also it doesnt work in the normal chat, but works in whisper
Yeah, thanks man! It Workes!