Chat Guard
This plugin protects your server from flood, spam, caps and swearwords in chat, commands and signs. You can configure list of swearwords, punishments and the number of warnings after which the player will be punished.
- Flood prevention
- Caps prevention
- Swearword prevention
- Advetisment prevention
- Informing admins/moders about violations
- Chat cleaning
- Global mute
- Any punishment that you can do with commands
- Player get warnings
- Removing disallowed characters
- Checking for updates (Can be disabled in the config)
- Removes spam from items
Video tutorial
Waiting for tutorial with new version. Contact me if you did :)
[] - required, () - optional
/chatguard - copyright and version
/chatguard ban [WORD] - Add new banned [WORD]
/chatguard unban [WORD] - Remove banned [WORD]
/chatguard whitelist [WORD] - Do not mark [WORD] as advertisment or swearing
/chatguard cc (ALL|Player) - Clear your (or everyone's/Player's)
/chatguard info (Player) - Show your warnings or (Player)'s
/chatguard globalmute - Toggle globalmute
/chatguard warn [Player] [Type] - Warn [Player]
/chatguard mute [Player] ([Time] (Reason)) - mute player(time format - 1s, 1m, 1h, 1d, default - seconds)
/chatguard unmute [Player] - unmute player
/chatguard clear (Type) (Player) - Clear some warnings
/chatguard help - Show help page
/chatguard reload - Reload plugin configurations
Permission | Description |
chatguard.* | Full Access! |
chatguard.banword | add new swearwords |
chatguard.unbanword | and remove swearwords |
chatguard.warn | access to /cg warn command |
chatguard.mute | ability to mute players |
chatguard.unmute | and unmute players |
chatguard.whitelist | access to /cg whitelist command |
chatguard.clearwarnings | access to /cg clear command | | access to /cg list command | | watch information about other players |
chatguard.inform.[flood,spam,swear,caps] | for receiving alerts about violations |
chatguard.clearchat | access to /cg cc commad |
chatguard.clearchat.all | ability to clear chats of all players |
chatguard.clearchat.others | access to cleaning another's chat |
chatguard.globalmute | access to /cg globalmute command |
chatguard.reload | access to /cg reload command |
chatguard.ignore.* | ignore all protections |
chatguard.ignore.[flood,spam,swear,caps,characters] | ignore [flood,spam,swear,caps] protection |
chatguard.ignore.globalmute | ignore global mute |
chatguard.ignore.cooldown | ignore cooldown | | ignore /cg cc ALL |
Metrics and Updater
This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to
A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version and core
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version
- The server's location
- Enabled filters
Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true. Also plugin checks for updates, that you can change by editing plugins/ChatGuard/config.yml
Still works on 1.11.2!
Abandoned? But this plugin is awesome :(
The current version works just fine on 1.10.2.
I need version to 1.10.2, please!!!
Java 8!!
UPD: not actual
Сообщает мне что все плохо, что игроки матерятся, флудят, при этом плагин ничего не блокирует и не заменяет.
DeluxeChat - форматирование чата.
Поставил оба плагина, никаких проблем не возникло.
так же
В последней версии на гитхабе возникают ошибки?
Конфликты плагинами CoreProtect и Jail пофиксите?
Уже обсуждалось. Выключите Sustitutions или скачайте версию с гитхаба
Привет, вчера вечером обновил ChatGuard, сегодня утром мне все пишут, что у игроков не подходят пароли. Каким то образом CG вмешивается в работу плагина AuthMe. Вернул CG на старую версию.
Please check out these two issues:
День добрый! Версия плагиина 7.3.2, ядро Spigot 1.9, авторизация Authme 5.2. Примерно у половины игроков после обновления ChatGuard перестала проходить авторизация, пароль не важен, ставил себе даже просто 1, все равно не пускает. Ошибок в консоли никаких, просто пишет "неверный пароль". Зависимости не увидел, кого-то пускает, а кого-то нет. После отката ChatGuard до 7.3, всё заработало как и прежде.
Yeah. I did it! :)
Hm... I found a player spamming an IP through use of a sword with the IP name on it, and then killing people with it (Which shows the name of the sword on chat xD)
Any way this could be taken care of?
Same Problem here.. :S Nothing work like it should be :(
The regular expression for IP's isn't working for me with the latest version, not the standard value and even if I leave it blank your plugin recognizes 4 numbers as an IP, e.g. "1356".
I also tried it with the default config without touching it, using latest 1.9 spigot build, same result
Updated version is available