Commands & Permissions


Command Argument Function
/cc, /chat [channel] Quick Create, Join and Set
active Returns active channel
reload Reloads config, channels
create [channel] Creates [channel]
delete [channel] Deletes active channel, if channel not included
join [channel] Joins [channel]
leave [all/channel] Leaves active channel, if channel not included
set [channel] Set active channel to [channel]
add [player] Add [player] to active channel
list List (server) channels
who [channel] List members in active channel, if channel not included
[channel] [message] Sends a message to that channel without setting active
/create [channel] Creates [channel]
/delete [channel], [channel] Deletes channel(s), or active channel if channel not included
/join [channel], [channel] Joins channel(s)
/leave all / [channel], [channel] Leaves channel(s)
/add, /invite [player], [player] Adds player(s) to active channel


Permission Function
ChanChat.reload (OP) Player can reload config
ChanChat.create (true) Player can create channels
ChanChat.admin (OP) Player can delete ANY channel