ChangePlayerName - Change your name INGAME
This plugin is no longer abandoned! The development has been partially taken over by XEROX21000.
This plugin is potentially dangerous. It may break your plugins and can potentially be used to grief. Don't give this plugins permissions node do everyone. For the love of god, do not add an ascii color code to your new name. Do not use this command under the influence of drugs. I take no responsibility for what you do with this plugin.
So this is a plugin which can change a players name ingame, with no logouts. This is the command:
- /changename <playername> - Changes your username (Permissions node changename.change)
This is a very powerful plugin, as its not just a simple Nickname changer plugin.
- Changing your player name ingame
- Changing the name displayed in /who
- Changing the name in chat
- Changing skin to the new name for other users. It won't change for yourself due to a limitation in minecraft
- Changing usergroup to the new name (does not change permissions with PermissionsEX)
- Changing name that appears above your head
Video Demonstration:
So yeah, very powerful.
- As stated above, changing skin for yourself is not possible due to a limitation in minecraft
- Can be used to become a higher ranked user, but thankfully won't give the higher permissions!
- None others that I have found
Possible Uses:
- Server administration - Checking user groups without having to re log or ask other users
- Server administration - Disguise as a default user to moniter other people
- Developing - Checking you coded permissions right :D
- Fun - Convince your users you are Notch! Or Jeb! Or Team avolition! (lol)
Version 1 Initial release
lahwran - He released the code for changing the name, I implemented it :D
Source Code
The Bottom Bit:
Thanks for 55k guys!
Any suggestions on how we can improve this plugin? Post in the comments! And if you need any help, also feel free to post on the forums section of this :)
When attempting to use this plugin on a Bukkit 1.4.7 R1.0 server, the following error is received when starting the server:
7:05:07 AM CONSOLE: [SEVERE] Could not load 'plugins/ChangePlayerName.jar' in folder 'plugins' 7:05:07 AM CONSOLE: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError net/minecraft/server/v1_4_5/Entity 7:05:07 AM CONSOLE: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException net.minecraft.server.v1_4_5.Entity
Please, kind sir, update this plugin to use the new Bukkit plugin system/methods.
Thank you,
(Ticket also filed under: )
Any chance on an update for this? Looked around for a bit and this is exactly the plugin I'm looking for.
Hi if someone want to change the name of other players, use the RemoteCommand plugin
The plugin changes the way the player is identified to the server. It allows them to exactly mimic another player. This can cause issues with plugins that don't expect this!
In what way can this plugin break other plugins, is there any specific plugins that it cannot support or something? Is that something I would really need to be worried about?
Going to be looking into updating this for 1.4.6
Request, could you make it so that admins can set X players nickname to Y? So I could change people's username without giving them the permission node.
EDIT: could you also make it so that it writes in some save the real nick, and the saved nick so when a player logs in, the same nick is formed ( so it would show "Y joined the game" instead of the Readl name "X joined the game!"
and seriously!?
its just setPlayerName?
wow i feel like an idiot :P
trolling, here i come!!
thx for the plugin! some wishes...
This Plugin is BOSS
I see from your demo video that this plugin was from the pre 1.8 update (no hunger bar). I would like to know if this plugin will still work but I do not want to find out myself by putting it on my server and potentially making it crash really badley
Is there anyway to just Change name, Because if you change name to somebody not on the server you get a Default skin...... which is rather rubbish.
Nice plugin But there is one probleme ind it. I need this plugin so i can chance my name, but whit out chancing my skin is that somethink you can help me whit?
sorry for my bad english
This plugin is just what I need but, Is there anyway to stop it changing the skin?
My new name is still in admin's red color in chat, so everybody knows I am an admin. Edit. I use PermissionsBukkit and mChat
When i try to change my name, it tells me something about bukkit sad bukkit will leak tears. Using GroupManager with the * permission.
<<reply 391611>>
Aah nice! :)
Also. Is it Persistent?
And does it require Permissions?
And can I change other player’s name?
Yes, that is perfectly possible.
Is this plugin able to change the name to someone that isnt on the server?
Like for instance im having an RP server and I want Jester328 to be called Argan or something. is that possible?