About Chairs Reloaded
This is a reload of the original Chairs mod by Spoothie. That plugin was no longer being updated so I have continued it here.
This plugin allows players to sit in chairs (stairs).
- Drop the Chairs jar file in your plugins directory.
- Setup permissions accordingly.
Special ends for chairs
Corner stairs:
Commands & Permissions
- /chairs reload - Reload the Chairs configuration file.
- Sit down on chairs.
- If the health sitting effects are enabled then players with this permission node are healed while siting.
I have tried multiple times to contact Spoothie. He has never responded to me.
Thank you so much! :) The original plugin, was beginning to go buggy and it didn't work with 1.4.2. :) This is great. :) You should probably try to contact the original developer and ask if they could put up a link to direct people here. :)
EDIT: After trying it out on my server, it turns out that there is a bug/glitch, with the item, you are "sitting" on, wich causes it to sort of bounce out of the block, about 5 blocks away, so taht you will not actually sit on the chair, but in the air. There is no output in the console. Please fix this, as I was looking forward to using it. :) If you need help, or any more information, please do not hesitate to contact me on [email protected]. :)
It's great that someone is continuing this plugin! Please try to get a couple of other developers involved so we can be sure it will stay active. I've been disappointed in this way too many times now, what with developers going inactive etc.
Right, now to the plugin:
I've just tested it on the latest dev build of Bukkit, and when I sit down I end up sitting on the block one block behind and one block to the left of the chair. This meant I couldn't get out of the chair when I did this on a column next to some water, and so would've drowned had I been in survival mode.
Secondly, could you perhaps add in something to make the player's location refresh every X seconds? (perhaps make this number configurable if it's not too much work).
This would possibly be one step towards eliminating the problem of players falling off ledges, falling in lava, or drowning when they sit down.
The next issue with where the player is sat is that, unlike in ChairCraft, in this plugin the player is not permanently pinned down, and so can be pushed off their chair, at least by blocks (I couldn't test with other players pushing people off chairs as I was testing on my own PC).
Sorry if I sound like I'm having a go at you about these issues. Really I only mean these to be read as feedback on the plugin.
If you can get these fixed, great, if not, not to worry.
I'll make sure to keep checking here for updates and I'll try to lend a hand testing them.
Most people use half blocks for chairs too, so may be an idea to add those in, as right now it doesn't support anything other than stairs.
Nice one for releasing your update mate!
However seem to be getting an issue with 1.4.4, it moves you high in the air, then about 5 blocks in front.
Tried adjusting the configs, no joy!