CCTV Plugin
Minecraft 1.10 - 1.13.2
Plugin Version: V4.3
Authors: Timdecoole123, Streampy
New version ONLY get updated on our spigot page!
For support go to
Note: This plugin is not a follow-up from
the already existing "CCTV Camera" plugin!
Be aware, our latest update (4.1) contains some bugs with saving the camera on 1.13+! We are working on rewriting that update 4.1. Our next updates will contain a 1.12 and below version ending with .12 and all 1.13+ updates will end on .13 so you can see the version you need to pick!
So the next update will be call with a 1.12 and 1.13 version
1.12 and below: 4.2.12
1.13+: 4.2.13
1. What is this plugin?
2. How to use?
3. Crafting
4. Permissions
5. Commands
6. Final word
What is this plugin?
This plugin adds CCTV Camera's (Also called Security Cameras) to your Minecraft server! This plugin will add Cameras, CameraGroups, And Computers! Computers are made out of Nether Brick Stairs and contain a CameraGroup. this group contains a number of cameras you created. So when you right-click your Computer, you can select a camera, and connect to it! In the camera, you have an option to enable or disable night vision, to turn the camera left or right, and to skip to the next camera in the CameraGroup.
How to use?
As said in "What is this plugin?" this plugin contains cameras, camera groups, and computers!
once you created a camera with /cctv camera create, you want to create a group. you can do that using /cctv group create. when you create a camera, group, or a computer, you will get an ID from it. so, let's give the camera the ID 1, and the group the ID 2. You now want to add the camera to the group you created, to do that, do /cctv group addcamera <group-id> <camera-id> in this case, we will type: /cctv group addcamera 2 1. now, if you want to add more cameras to the group, just create another camera (for this the ID of this camera will be 3), and type: /cctv group addcamera 2 3.
Now that you have made a group with (probably) multiple cameras, you want to be able to see them. You can go directly into a camera using /cctv camera view <camera-id> but, because cameras can be added to multiple groups, you can not go to the next camera using this command.
To add a group to a Computer, you first want to create an computer. Place down Nether Brick Stairs where you want to, look at the Nether Brick Stairs, and type the command: /cctv computer create. You will get the message that the computer has been created, but you now want to add the CameraGroup to the computer. to do that, you look at the computer, and type: /cctv computer setgroup <group-id>. You should, of course, change <group-id> to the ID of the group you have created. Do you want to delete the Computer? Look at the computer and type /cctv computer delete, then you can break it.
If you do not know which Camera has wich ID? (We know, that it can be frustrating) you can do /cctv <camera/group/computer> list to see a list of all cameras/groups/computers! you can use the arrow at the bottom to change through pages if you have more then 8 of these.
To get out of a camera, you can type /cctv camera return, or you can just press Shift
This is a Development video of one of the Coders, were also explained how to use the Plugin. The only downside is is that it is in Dutch, but a English version will come soon:
In our last update (4.0) we added a possibility to craft camera's in survival to break them just left click your camera and you click delete. You then get the camera back. Don't use /cctv camera delete for survival you than don't get your camera back!
For 4.1+
Permissions (if a player does not have this permission, it will disable all other permissions)
/cctv camera create (<ID: String>)
/cctv camera delete (<ID: String>)
/cctv camera view <ID: String>
/cctv camera teleport <ID: String>
/cctv camera rename <ID: String> <NewName: String>
/cctv camera movehere <ID: String>
/cctv camera return
/cctv camera list (<Page: Int>)
/cctv camera setowner <ID: String> <Player: String>
/cctv camera get
/cctv group create (<ID: String>)
/cctv group delete <ID: String>
/cctv group addcamera <(GROUP)ID: String> <(CAM)ID: String>
/cctv group removecamera <(GROUP)ID: String> <(CAM)ID: String>
/cctv group setowner <ID: String> <Player: String>
/cctv group rename <ID: String> <NewName: String>
/cctv group info <ID: String>
/cctv group list (<Page: Int>)
/cctv computer create (<ID: String>)
/cctv computer delete (<ID: String>)
/cctv computer setgroup (<ID: String>) <GroupID: String>
/cctv computer addplayer (<ID: String>) <Player: String>
/cctv computer removeplayer (<ID: String>) <Player: String>
/cctv computer setowner (<ID: String>) <Player: String>
/cctv computer list (<Page: Int>)
Command Sub-command args[1] args[2] args[3]
Note: Older versions than 3.0 have got other commands! If you can't figure these commands out, feel free to dm one of us!
Last Words
We tried our best to make this plugin work as good as possible, it has been made in Spigot 1.12.2.
Found any bugs? Please contact one of us... You can find our accounts on the right side of the page ;)
Please do not post the Errors in the comments, as they spam the commands.
Also, updates will come regularly!
Thank you for using our Plugin! You have the permission to use it for whatever you want, but please, do not claim ownership of our plugin, or post it somewhere else.
In reply to kassad_rf:
That will mean that 4.0 is for 1.12 and 4.1 will be compatible with 1.13 :)
There will be a new update soon as possible with new functions and a better command/menu.
We have also put in our schedule to support more language.
If you a language that we have to support reply to this message!
Sorry for a delay in our update schedule. We are trying our best to update as soon as possible :).
Hello! Nice plugin, I didn't use It yet, but I'll use It soon.
I've a question:
What blocks does It work to make new cameras? Does It use obsidians and colored wools?
Thank you!
In reply to shura141:
In reply to Forge_User_71228643:
In reply to Forge_User_71228643:
In reply to Forge_User_71228643:
In reply to shura141:
In reply to Forge_User_71228643:
Wow man! This plugin is very nice! I gonna use this for my own MineTopia server. Thank you!
In reply to Forge_User_87929993: