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Custom Crates' goal is to be fully customizable to the user. Everything from in-game messages to prizes is configurable and easy to configure. All configurations provide a well-detailed description of how the configuration should be set up.
This feature gives the ability to create "purchase signs" for users to purchase a crate key for a given amount of money for a specific crate.
Crate Pouches are items that can be given to players (by a command for admins) that act as a portable crate. You can create separate crate configurations for pouches or have pouches and physical crates. Pouch configurations are found under the section "pouch" in the specified crate configuration. This configuration will be the in-game item that players will receive.
Custom Crates provides a feature where you can have a specific hologram valid through a certain type of crate. If you configure the "hologram" section of crates, it will automatically place and adjust a hologram to that location above the crate. The configuration is pretty self-explanatory as custom crates provide a well-detailed description of how to configure the section. if any changes are made to this configuration, the in-game holograms for the specified crate will be updated upon restart.
how to make crates and set the items in there to another items?
This plugin is dog shit. I cant restart the server with out the plugin fuckin up somehow. Restart the server, then the holograms fuckin disappear, and there isnt even a command to add crates. Fuckin bullshit ass plugin.
My config is empty tell me why also is their a support discord server
How do i add an enchanted sword into the GUI to be won?
In reply to rand0m_numb3r:
apperently you cant! Bc the plugin WILL say "you have entered a invalid name"
how do I make it so it makes a noise?
Am I Missing Something Or Can You Not Change Whats In The Crate If You Can Change What Command
In reply to healinqz:
I am trying to use your crate plugin but when it lands on an icon it will not give you that item! HELP!
it work fine with me :) Best Plugin EVER!!
When the crates spin it gives a different thing than show.
In reply to ZombieHF:
In reply to ZombieHF:
I'm having a continued problem on my server. I really want to use this plugin but the GUI menu is messing up. I am able to take the items for the crate preview and put in my inventory. It's not just this plugin its all the plugins with a GUI menu..Someone help
In reply to ExcitedSquab:
Item ID: 131
Data: 0
Name: '&8&lDiamond Key'
Glow: true
- '&7Click the &8&lCrate &7treasure chest to use this key.'
Title: '&8&lDiamond Crate’
Name: '&8diamond'
Block ID: 54
Type: diamond
Spin time: 5
Item ID: 264
Data: 0
Item Amount: 5
Chance: 55.0
Name: '&b&lDiamond'
Glow: true
Broadcast win: true
Player message: true
Lore: []
- give %player% diamond 5
Item ID: 266
Data: 0
Item Amount: 1
Chance: 50.0
Name: '&e&lGold'
Glow: false
Broadcast win: false
Player message: true
Lore: []
- give %player% gold 5
I MEAN WHY CAN'T I?!?!?!?!?! sorry for caps it's so annoying
How do i edit what you can recive from a crate