Dec 2019, RandomUnknown at Spigot has taken over.
- Though I (LigerXT5) am still assisting in the minor parts of the plugin, RandomUnknown has spent a lot of coding work to bring it up to MC 1.15.1 capable use. You can find his continuation at
July 18th, 2016 Updated Notification
From LigerXT5:
- For the time being, please use the Spigot Forum for issues and conversations.
- If you would like to assist with coding, be my guest in submitting pulls. I know how to code, but only to a short extent. I am moving focus of updates to Spigot. Due to limited control I have on this listing. If you need to get in contact with me on here, the best way is to send me a PM, that way I get an email notifying me. I don't get emails for forum or ticket posts.
Only One Room Generating?
I suggest checking your config. If it doesn't have the 1.7 new blocks (Granite, Andesite, etc.), the plugin will try to build around them. Add them to the config to be replaced by catacombs on plan and build. Refer to the attached config as a reference/example. If you have a lot of caves or "air" blocks in the area of building, add Air to the list as well. Great if you want floating catacombs in an Empty World.
Catacombs - Random Dungeon Generator:
Builds configurable dungeons under your feet for players to explore and loot. I wrote my own level builder but I guess it's a homage to those text based classics like Nethack and of course Angband.
- Generates random multi-level dungeons.
- Only builds in solid regions it considers natural. Can build anywhere by adding AIR to config.
- Admins can build dungeons, Players can explore them.
- All commands are integrated with Permissions.
- Integrated with most common economy systems (using Vault) (optional)
- Secret doors
- Information persists using sqlite database (no setup required)
- Only the toughest adventurers will survive without armour, weapons, food and torches.
- Special chests at strategic points to add to the general loot.
- Configurable Dungeon layout and content.
- Dungeons can be size/configured so they work better with parties of players.
- Admins can easily unprotect, reset, suspend, enable or fill dungeons in.
- Multiple world compatible.
- Here are some Spoilers giving you a taste of what you might find.
- And here are a couple of pictures.
Configuration page
Check out images for pictures of the hut types.
Having problems? Check out the FAQ
I made a short tutorial on how to plan and build a dungeon.
- (part 1)
- (part 2)
Here is a detailed demo and tutorial kindly done by Samkio and Torrent (WoopaGaming)
Here is a detailed demo and tutorial kindly done by BukkitDE (in German)
Here is a short demo kindly done by AbsintoJ (I think in Portuguese)
- Credit to the Vault team for supplying a simple way to hook into assorted permissions and economy plugins.
- Credits to Samkio and Torrent (WoopaGaming) for recording a demo and tutorial.
- Credits to Jeussa and MnMaxon from Spigot for updating the plugins via donations from LigerXT5
- Replace Iron Blocks with Anvils. Create a config option to toggle this for MCMMO servers.
- Jeussa added a way to customize loot, similar to Essentials's configs for kits with item names, lore, etc. I would like a way to do the same with the mob spawners. Currently I have to use CreatureSpawners and edit each spawner to customize the catacomb experience. One person contacted me about adding support for MythicMobs. I have no preference on this. But the extra abilities, I am sure some server admins would like.
- Cobwebs only spawn once, during first generation. Though I want to say this is a bug, it would be nice that web had a set percentage, customizable in the config, either in general, or per catacomb style.
- We are limited to a set selection of huts, per say, that appear at the top of the catacomb. These are the buildings that you see at the start before climbing down to the first floor of monsters. There is no way to add schematics to customize these. Though we can edit the area after generation, the protection boundaries are set. Which then requires an additional worldguard region.
- Same as above, the rare/unique rooms are hard set, and would be nice to add some variety. I have no clue how hard this would be to add some more rooms in, along with each room having a percent chance.
- Add in a command variable to the /catacombs delete CatName. Currently it defaults to replacing everything and filling in the rooms with Stone. If creating in, let's say the Nether, it would be nice to add at the end the name of the block to use to replace with, instead of stone. Such as the Nether, it would be Netherrack, or using the EmptyWorldGen (currently for testing in) with Air.
Can someone tell me if this works for bukkit 1.0??
Just noticed after two hours of trying to get it to work that i dont think this has been updated for 1.0.0. Lol
Compatibility with 1.0.0: I'm testing out a dev build of bukkit for 1.0.0, and of the few plugins I'm running, this is the only one that seems to be giving errors. On server startup I get these errors:
Hopefully it's an easy fix to work around changes in the latest bukkit (the plugin did work previously on beta 1.9 prerelease 5, and afaik there weren't too many changes between that release and the 1.0 release).
One other question...say I had already built a catacomb, is it possible to play it without the plugin enabled? Since all the blocks and everything are there? I guess a few things wont work like secret doors, and the dungeon will be breakable I guess?
Ah yes I can recreate that. I sometimes get "good" dungeons that are 1 deep when I asked for 9. Checking the code it looks like I coded it as a max Depth, so it's possible to get good dungeons that aren't as deep as you requested. I can block these short dungeons from being created but think it's probably best to give users the option to build it or not. In the cases I saw the map generator either failed to find a good location for the end room or ran into geological problems with the level or stairs.
BTW I also tried building a 9 deep dungeon from about sea level and never got anything deeper than 7 levels before being too close to bedrock. The plugin gave me the option of building these short dungeons (which is the main reason for not changing the strange behavior you pointed out above).
"Dungeon: name(9)" is a bit strange, a typo I guess in your post (I checked the code and couldn't find a bug related to this)
I do see in the logs the following line:
21:22:52 [INFO] [Catacombs] Stopping CatLevel no room for stairs 21:22:52 [INFO] Dungeon: name(9) builder(Brian) world(survival) levels=2
Yeah, that's exactly what's happening. /cat plan dun1 9 says it's good to go, I build the dungeon,a nd only one level below the "hut" is being built.
It only outputs a single dungeon map to console, also.
Yes it should be 9 levels deep (provided there is no space in dungeon1). It may not be able to construct a dungeon 9 levels deep if there are caves or someone's base under your feet, but you should get a message either saying it is ok and ready to be built or that it couldn't make it fit. Are you high enough up to have a 9 level dungeon without hitting bedrock? Are you using the default room, roof, floor depth parameters in the config file?
I've built lots of dungeons with numbers in their names so that isn't a problem. If you type '/cat plan dungeon1 9' and get a message back saying it's good and ready to be built *and* that it only has 1 level then I'm puzzled.
"cat plan dungeon1 9" builds a single level dungeon.
Shouldn't it build a 9-level deep dungeon instead?
Posting this here just in case anyone else needs to see the resolution (after I get it of course):
Having a bit of an issue with the plugin here... basically I'm downloading it, placing it in my plugins folder, restarting the server and as I watch the server log, Catacombs is automatically pulling Permissions 3.1.6 which isn't the permissions system I use (which is Essentials). After that, things seem fine but immediately I get:
[SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling Catacombs v0.9 (Is it up to date?): null
Then the server proceeds to boot up. In game, I can query the commands using /catacombs but actually /cat planning it will trigger Exception trapped java.lang.NullPointerException which I know has been previously posted. So I begin to troubleshoot. My first thought is to check plugins/Catacombs but the .jar never created the directory so there's no config or database files anywhere.
Any direction would be great, thanks so much.
[EDIT] I have figured out the issue and it seems it was not your plugin. I updated bukkit and that was it. For anyone running into a similar issue, just visit: and update your craftbukkit. By default it fixed like 3 of the non-working plugins. Cheers.
v0.9 released
@jelmar5 I debugged a bug today that gave that message in-game. Try turning your special room percentage to zero.
i get this error
Exception trapped java.lang.NullPointerException
from what i can see if i have it available on mysql its another way of backing up my data, plus as i host my server off a VPS it makes it easier for my admins to access the mySQL rather than giving them all vps access. :) And in the long it would make things easier as everyone has a freedom of choice between sqlite or mysql as alot of plugins lately seem to be allowing users to choose between both.
@jenks1999 Originally the plugin required MySQL to run, which was fine for me and some, but it made the plugin more difficult to set up and run. So I went to some lengths to remove MySQL. Currently MySQL is only used for converting legacy databases to the new format. All the data is stored in an sqlite database in the Catacombs directory using bukkit and Java's built in functions.
Supporting a MySQL format database too would be extra work. What advantages do you think there would be for users if I had this option?
@Duplex_ There is console support for all the non-positional commands. You can either use '/cat reset <name>' or '/cat resetall' to reset dungeons from the console.
Just wondering if you could add in the config the facility for people to choose mysql db or not and to adjust log in requirements as needed. username password etc etc. So we can have the choice of having it or not. Thanks :)
I would love console command support to reset catacombs!
@lawliet555 Having to reload to build a 2nd catacomb is very strange (nobody else as far as I know is having that problem). You'll have to supply details of exactly what commands you are using and what messages you are getting in game and in the console.
Getting embedded in the walls when using '/cat end' is a problem I've had too on the odd occasion and needs fixing.
That's a relief, thanks for getting back and letting me know everything is sorted out. Enjoy your adventuring.
ok thanks - i realised it was a silly error on my part actually...i paniced and didnt think things thru. it was another plugin which was updated when u reloaded the plugins - my bad.