CasinoSlots 2.5.7
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UploadedMay 11, 2014
Size87.45 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.7.4
- Fixed [player] sometimes not being replaced in broadcast and command actions
- Fixed variables not being replaced if there was a color code in front of them
- Fixed the console not being able to do /casino remove
- Play a sound at location and not just for the playing player
- Load the plugin after the worlds have been loaded, this way we don't get any of the NPEs
- Using the logger provided with Bukkit
- Added support for withdrawing money from a player's account, if the reward money is negative it withdraws the money from the player
- Added a check to see if the config exists or not with the config-version property. If the config-version does not equal 1.0, the config will copy over it's default options.
- Added config option to display the information when we kept a chunk loaded, this defaults to false. (see:
- Added an option to allow types to also cost items
- Added another /casino set option, this time to set the additional item the type costs.
- Added an option to check Towny
- If enabled, will check if the player is a mayor, has a town, and is the resident of a town
- Option to allow only mayors to create them
- Option to allow only players who are part of a town to create them
- Configurable messages for only mayors creating them, only players with towns, and the messages they see whenever they don't have ownership of the plot where the things would be.
- Added an option to check World Guard if the player has permission to build where the slot will be
- Added an alias to the adds, you can now do /casino create
- Added an alias to remove, can now do /casino delete
- Added an option to smite the player more than once with that action reward (see:
- Added more variables for the broadcast message
- [type] The name of the type of the slot machine.
- [moneyown] The amount of money won!
- Added /casino set debug to toggle if we're in debugging or not, note: This isn't in /casino set as debugging is very spamming to the console and it is only temporary.
- Fixed the chunk listener from testing the same chunk over and over.
- Fixed the broadcast action not including the latest colors.
- Fixed the action list not being acting like a list
- Fixed the console not being able to do /casino list
- Fixed the console not being able to do /casino reload
- Fixed the console not being able to do /casino stats
- Fixed the console not being able to do /casino toggle
- Fixed the console not being able to do /casino version
- Fixed the console not being able to do /casino
- Fixed the console /casino to only display what the console can do
- Fixed players with create managed permissions see the commands they are allowed
- Fixed players being able to toggle if a slot is enabled or not even if they didn't have permission
- Fixed /casino set being open to all players.
- Fixed a NPE when an Explosion had no blocks
- Fixed permissions not working correctly, now you can give players casinoslots.create.managed.<type> and they'll be able to create that type (
- Fixed sounds not playing, now using the new API for sounds
- Note to people using tekkit, you will need to change the bukkit-version to something smaller than 2377 or else you will get errors.
Sometimes the slots freeze and good winnings happen.