CasinoSlots 2.3.1
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UploadedMay 15, 2012
Size66.11 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.2.5-R1.2
- Fixed being able to withdraw more than is in the slot's account
- Fixed the withdraw/deposit messages being the same, now withdraw actually says withdraw
- Added a message for when getting the blocks during load returns null, will now display a message saying which one was the problem
- Fixed the config file not saving sometimes
- Fixed so that Admins see the information about the slot no matter if they own it or not
- Removed the plugin saving the config file on disable, thus enabling editing while the server is running
- Added the ability to use damage values on block ids
- Added the ability to set rewards for damage value blocks
- Added the help messages being shown on right clicking the control block when the player isn't the owner
- Added it so that it plays the C Major Chord upon winning :)
- Fixed/Added a smarter broadcast action, can include [cost] and [player]
- Completely removed the code that was trying to make the [cost] look right, too bad that look good when it worked ;/
- A workaround for the Array Out of Bounds, you all should edit your economy's config right.
- Hopefully fixed the ever more persist "Displays the command guide." message being shown, was my fault.
- Hopefully fixed the start up error that was random with iConomy6
- Fixed /casino withdraw to actually give money to the player and take it from the slot
- Fixed /casino deposit to actually take money from the player and give it to the slot
- Fixed the random "Displays the command guide."
- Added item payable slots (/casino additem)
- Added three new actions:
- command (info coming soon, see new default command:
- slap
- rocket
- Added an error message if you some how have slots that don't have types (found this bug on accident)
- Some general code clean up
- Made a quick hacky way of telling you your config is messed up, aka the plugin won't work until you fix it thus the plugin is disabled and you get a ton of errors (this will be interesting to see the amount of people tell me there's a bug)
- Hopefully fixed the issue when a block gets three in a row and it doesn't have a reward message
- Added .* and some other permission nodes, see here for info on it
- Fixed everyone being able to create any slot, sorry for the inconvenience there
- Made the message that comes up when the player doesn't have permission to use it configurable per slot. See this for an example.
- Started working on the configuration page, tons of stuff still to do though.
- Fix (I believe) for the ArrayOutofBounds
- Fixed creation and playing costs being fixed at what they were
- Fix for /casino types new <type>, can't promise it will work as I forgot to test
- Fixed saving of funds in managed slots
- Made managed slots work 99.9% better, see for information on how to set up a managed slot.
- Added /casino withdraw
- Added /casino deposit
- Added /casino setowner
- Added /casino toggle
- Added the ability to change the in game prefix to whatever you want
- Added three new actions
- Drugup
- Fire
- goBlind
- Disabled /casino reload as it was casino problems and wasn't working like people expected it to.
- Permission nodes have changed, see
You have to shut down the server when editing the configuration files, this will be fixed in the near future.
/casino reload still doesn't work - This is my next plan, to figure this out and make it better