Allow your players to fight over control of almost any portal!
Important Notice
I no longer have the time to continue supporting this plugin.
The source is freely available on github so feel free to continue developing the project.
It's been fun working on this project and it tought me quite a few things. Thank you for your patience and understanding if you're still using this plugin.
- Allows admins to limit access to Nether Portals.
- Capture and cooldown time are specifiable in the yml file.
- Messages are displayed when the portal is almost available or being captured, also configurable in the yml file.
- Teams are adjustable by using Permissions, Factions, Clans (SimpleClans), Towns (Towny) and Gods (Gods plugin)
- Every supported plugin has it's own setting in the config and only 1 at a time can be enabled so "enabletownysupport" OR "enablesimpleclanssupport", etc.
- Besides Nether Portals, it also supports Ender portals, Wormholes and Stargates
- All messages are configurable through the config.yml
- As an OP you can reload CTP by running: /capturetheportal reload
- Captures are registered so, when the server reboots, groups won't have to recapture the portal (set "persistcapture" to false to disable that)
- Full Clan names can be enabled by setting "fullgroupnames" to true in the config. That way it will use the Clan's full name in stead of the short tag.
- Vault is supported and mandatory when running CTP with "permissionssupport" to true
How it Works
First, as an admin, you build a white wool 5x5 platform and place a stone pressure plate in the middle. You then create a Nether Portal* on top of the platform next to the pressure plate.
Then as a player with team permissions, or as a member of a Faction, you stand on the pressure plate to Capture the Portal for your team/Faction. The wool will change to the capturing team's color and all members of the enemy team/Faction will be kicked out of the Nether and sent to spawn!
This plugin also supports Wormhole X-Treme portals, End Portals, Stargates (from the Stargate plugin), Multiverse Portals and Creative Gates. Simply place a wool block next to the dialer (for Wormhole X-Treme), Endportal frame, Stargate, MV Portal or Creative Gate and put a stone plate on top.
Permission Nodes
If you have Permission support enabled the following nodes can be used:
- CaptureThePortal.COLOR (Replace "COLOR" with any wool colors [red, blue, gold, light purple, yellow, green, dark gray, gray, dark purple, dark blue, dark green, black] to assign players to a team)
- CaptureThePortal.neutral (for neutral players and admins)
When you use another group plugin, permission nodes are not relevant.
Config Options
For an explanation of the various config options in the config.yml, please see this page.
My thanks goes out to Devinish for making this page easy to read and look cool.
Like this plugin? Consider donating :)
Any amount is more than welcome and allows me to stay caffeinated.
I'm pretty busy at the moment but I will consider it.
Would you like to make video-tutorial how to create capturing portal?
It should look like this: this
@wargamer Any way you could post a screenie as an example? We are trying with no luck. Is there an order we should go in? Once we get it down I will make a tutorial vid for others.
Ok, so from looking at the screenshot, you have two things mixed up. Mostly my mistake for not making the plugin more forgiving.
If you have a Stargate you're supposed to put a single wool block next to the stargate on the side where the sign is. And you, of course, put a stone plate on top. Right now, it can not verify it's a stargate.
It worked before as it was probably detected as a Nether portal. Which requires a wool square (5x5) with the Nether portal on top (not on the same level as is in the screenshot).
I hope that makes some sense. If you have any suggestions as to how I could make the plugin easier to use and/or to understand then I'm all ears. So there's an example. Yes we know how it works and it was functional at one time. Issue is that you can stand on that stone plate all day and it tells you it hasn't been captured even when you're in a faction. Players basically cannot claim it. Am i just derping and doing something wrong? or is it setup incorrectly?
That message will show up when there is a wool block with a stone plate on top next to a Stargate. When the Faction hasn't captured that Stargate yet, that message will show up. You have to stand on the stone plate to capture it.
But I'm guessing you already knew that, right?
If so, could you post a screenshot of your Stargate?
Hey wargamer. We updated to the recent update for a new PVP server we have. We have Stargate and Factions set to true only. We are getting this message:
A copy of our config can be found here
Any help would be appreciated. Not sure if it is a config issue or a conflicting plugin. Our plugin list is as follows:
Let me know what you think. Thanks
No, it can't. It depends on other plugins to handle that since there are already plenty out there that can limit it.
Can this plugin block the normal creation of portals? - so a normal player cant just make his own portal?
That feature is enabled by default :)
BUT, the player jumping through the portal should be in a different faction than the one that captured it. And the Factions can not be allies for it to work. So I guess making them Enemies would work. Let me know if it works out for you, if not, just make a ticket with as much info as you have.
How to you make is so when the portal is captured by a faction, everyone else in the nether is kicked?
Or does the faction in nether needs to be set to Enemy first?
Depends. If you're using Permissions to assign the colors then you will, of course, run into a limit. But that means you're using Permissions as the Group Plugin which means Factions will not be involved with the capture of portals.
If you use Factions as the Group plugin then CTP will default to red as the "captured" color and you can have as many teams as Factions allows you to. I haven't found a nice way to assign a color to a Faction yet though so, again, the wool will only color red at the moment. If you can think of a nice way then feel free to let me know.
My question was if I can have unlimited factions fighting for the portal. If each team is assigned a color, what happens when there are more teams than available colors?
Done, it can be found here:
Thanks for the suggestion :)
Hey, just a small suggestion, can you add a section/page on this plugin overview explaining what all the config values do? For example, the first config value says, "dieorbounce: false". I find that a little bit confusing on what exactly it means if its set to true...
Fixed, Vault was interfering with simple clans. It works fine now with the netherportal and wormhole It was me being special, thankyou anyway (:
Alright. Thank you
I'm trying to create a wormhole x-treme portal that can be captured, I think it may be my mistake as it's not working with a netherportal either.
CaptureThePortal: dieorbounce: false delay: 180 cooldown: 1800 cooldown_message_timeleft: 90 cooldown_message_timeleft_increments: 0 fullgroupnames: false persistcapture: true enableEndersupport: true enablewormholesupport: true enablestargatesupport: true enablepermissionssupport: true enablefactionsupport: false enabletownysupport: false enablesimpleclanssupport: true enablegodssupport: false messages: capture_message: '[team] [group] is attempting to capture the [type].' cooldown_message: The portal will be available for capture again within [cooldown]. available_message: The portal is now ready to be captured! player_portal_is_cooldown: This Portal is on Cooldown, total cooldown time is [cooldown] player_someone_else_capturing: Someone else is currently capturing this portal! player_capturing_portal_holdit: Capturing Portal! Hold it for [capturetime] to capture it! player_not_allowed_to_use: Your team has not captured this portal yet so, you are not allowed to use it! player_not_allowed_die_use: Your body was ripped apart while trying to cross the portal. The portal does not belong to your faction. player_forced_respawn: Another team captured the portal! You are now forced to respawn! player_captured_it: Succesfully captured the portal! player_failed_capture: Failed to capture the Portal because you moved.
Thats my config as it stands.
Could you describe exactly what you are trying to get it to work?