
Defining Items

CaptureThePoints handles item strings in what appears to be a strange way to people, so with the update we have tried to simplify it. Giving items, as rewards or in roles, supports multiple items along with multiple enchantments of all various levels, even supports adding enchantments to items which don't normally have support for them, and supports giving items custom names along with lore.

The following example, which is in the default config for tank, gives two wood swords with three different enchantments, a custom name, and two lines of lore.

# Two wood swords with three enchantments: Sharpness 4, Knockback 2, Fire Aspect 3
WOOD_SWORD:2|16~4|19~2|20~3{GrayWolfs Sword/The amazing sword of/the unknown GrayWolf}

To add enchantments to the item you need to add the pipe | to the item followed by the id of the enchantment then a tilde ~ and the level of the enchantment.

To add a custom name, add anymore some brackets {}. The first string until a forwards slash is found / will be the name of the item then any other text after the first forward slash will be lore on the item and to add different lines to the lore of the item just add more forward slashes.

The full layout for a item is:

<item>:<amount>:<item code>|<enchantment id>~<enchantment level>|<enchantment id>~<enchantment level>{<Custom name/Along with custom lore/that supports colors>}

(Btw adding the custom name and lore was very fun to do!)