old/Instalation and configuration

Out Dated.


You will need Vault plugin for permissions and to use in game money for rewards
Place .jar file in your plugins folder, then launch server and close it. Now in CaptureThePoints plugin folder edit CaptureSettings.yml file. This file is default to all arenas that you will create (then you create an arena some optionts from this file will be set as default for new arena). To change specific arena configurations edit arena file in CaptureThePoints\Arenas folder.

Game configuration:

RingBlock- from which block capture points will be made.
EconomyMoneyCostForJoiningArena- how much money it costs to join specific arena.
DisableKillMessages- if true disables kill messages to lower spam in chat.
GivenWoolNumber - how much wool player receives at the start of the game( 0 does not give wool to players).
BreakingBlocksDropsItems - if true destroyed blocks drop items, false - disables block drop from destroyed blocks.
BalanceTeamsWhenPlayerLeaves - Auto balance teams if teams differ by this number of people. 0 disables balancing. [Default: 2].
DropWoolOnDeath- if true player drops other teams wool on his death, if false - player does not drop other teams wool on death.
MaxPlayerHealth - players health in CTP, defaults to 20.
HealthRegenFromHunger - if true player's health will regenerate from their Hunger bar being full, if false player's health does not regenerate from their Hunger bar being full.
AllowCommands - if true player can use commands while playing, if false, he can't.
UseSelectedArenaOnly - if true uses only the selected arena, if false it randomly chooses an arena to play.
AllowLateJoin - if true players can join CTP after game has started, else if false they cant join.
AllowBlockPlacement - if true players can build anywhere, if false they can only place wool in the CTP points.
AllowBlockBreak - if true players can break blocks anywhere, if false they can only break blocks in the CTP points.
AllowBreakingOwnCapturedPointWool - if true players can break their own wool in points their team has captured, if false they can only break the enemies wool and their own wool in points they haven't captured.
AutoStart - if true starts the game when there are enough players, if false admin must start game with /ctp start.
LobbyKickTime- time in seconds player has to ready up or he will be kicked from lobby (0 disables checking).
DamageImmunityNearSpawnDistance - how far from the spawn point players should be protected from damage.
GiveNewRoleItemsOnRespawn - can be true or false. If true - every time player respawns, it receives his role items(old items are replaced, and bought items and wool are not touched left for the player).
ExactTeamMemberCount - can be true or false. Lets say we have two teams: blue and red. If this option is true - players can join arena only by groups of team count(at this example only two players at a time) other players must wait in the lobby for more players. This gives better balance in game. If false - players can join any time even if in one team will be 2 players and in other 1.

Money configs

MoneyEvery30sec - how much money player gets every 30 secs.
MoneyForPointCapture - how much money player gets for point capture.
MoneyForKill - how much money player gets for killing enemy team player.
MoneyAtTheLobby- how much player receives money in the lobby.

Game mechanics

UseScoreGeneration - can be true or false.

  • If true then points generates score every 30 sec, and then some team reaches winning score this team wins the game.
Score generation configuration

(These work only then UseScoreGeneration is true)
ScoreMultiplier - when team captures all points that are awailable for capture it gains default score multiplied by this amount [Default 2].
ScoreToWin - after reaching this score team wins the game.
OnePointGeneratedScoreEvery30sec - amount of score generated by one point. Note: Score generated by points will be doubled if team owns all the capture points.
ScoreAnnounceTime - how frequently score will be announced to the players. This is designed to lower chat flood.

  • If false teem which captures defined point count wins, also game has defined time for game length.
Point capture configuration

(These work only then UseScoreGeneration is false)
PointsToWin - how much points team must own, to win the game.
PlayTime - maximum game play time.

MySQL configuration

MySQL is only used if EnableHardArenaRestore is true.
EnableHardArenaRestore - if true restores arena after battle from mySQL restoring every single block from saved data in database (it will be slower than default restore and will lag server if it restores huge arenas). To use hard restore first you need to define arena boundaries with /ctp build setboundary and then save with /ctp build save
User - user name to connect to database.
Port - port required to connect to database(default 3306).
Database - database name there all data will be stored.
Address - address to the database [Default localhost].
Pass - password required to connect to database.


        Items: 268, 297:16, DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE, 308, 309, SHEARS, CAKE
        Items: '267'
        Items: 268, 297:6, 261, 262:256, 299, 300, 301

These are default roles, you can edit and create your own roles. While adding items to roles, do not add helm as its designed to be only a wool helm to show players team. Also all armor will be auto equipped.
The items can be written as either their type id, or as their Material name. Enchantments can by written also as their id Ench id or their bukkit name Ench name (Multiple enchantments supported).They are written in the form <item>:<amount>:<item code>/<item enchantment>-<item enchantment level>. If the amount is left out, the amount will default to one.

        Items: WOOD_SWORD:2/16-4/20-2/21-3, 297:16, 307, 308, 309

Here player will get two wooden swords with three enchantments on them and some other things.

To allow players select role you must put a sign in a lobby and write role name in the first line.

Healing Items

From 1.3.0 Healing items are supported, they are fully customizable and can heal over-time and instantly. In the item name use Bukkit Material names, because item id is not supported.

HOTHeal - how much healing over-time heals.
HOTInterval - time in seconds between healing over-time heals.
Duration - count of hot heals.
Cooldown- item cooldown in seconds.
InstantHeal - how much it restores hp instantly.
ResetCooldownOnDeath - if true, that HealingItem cooldown is reset on player death.

Example - this item instantly heals 5 health and then every 3 seconds restores 1 health for 5 times.:

        HOTHeal: 1
        HOTInterval: 3
        Duration: 5
        Cooldown: 10
        InstantHeal: 5
        ResetCooldownOnDeath: true


Rewards are only given after game. All rewards are selected randomly. You can reward player with EXP using EXP:<amount> - EXP:10. And economy money can be payed by $<money amount> - $10. (In game money given for kills is not used with economy money and are lost after the game)
OtherTeams - teams who lost game.
ItemCount - how much items should player get after game.
ForKillingEnemy - reward for enemy kill.
ForCapturingThePoint - reward for point capture.
ExpRewardForKillingOneEnemy - rewards player with EXP points after the game for every player he killed.

Shops in the game

Every time player kills an enemy or captures the point he gains some amount of money(configurable in config file. In game money given for kills is not used with economy money and are lost after the game). If you want to add shops in the game you just need to add signs. Wool can be sold by writing 35:5:12(5 is color and 12 is wool count, that player will receive) in second line, just like in config file. It should look like:
[CTP] - first line.
3 - item type id, or its Material name. Note that sign inems can be written like config file items, but arrows - they are sold by 64 stack by default. Second line.
50 - item price. Third line.
Fourth line in sign is meant for color of team, allowed to buy sign item(this is optional, this line can be left empty).
Sign with wool Sign with letters Sign with numbers

Team selection in lobby

To allow players to select their team in lobby you must place that team color wool block in the lobby and players can punch it to select their team. When all players are ready and teams are not even, teams will be balanced and some players may be moved to lobby or got their team changed.