Exploding Eggs relating to CTF #4

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  • Defect
Assigned to _ForgeUser9350253
  • _ForgeUser18590773 created this issue Mar 14, 2015

    Recently i added CTF to my 1.8.2 spigot server and after doing so player reported some oddities, exploding eggs and one or two reported having lwc override which was not cool, also when i added this plugin i added skywars but after a quick test my dev only dropped CTF to determine which or if both were doing this it fixed after removing CTF. I notice this is not in the config about eggs or no reason for lwc override.


  • _ForgeUser18590773 added the tags New Defect Mar 14, 2015
  • _ForgeUser9350253 posted a comment Mar 14, 2015

    I am somewhat aware of the egg issue. It does not do this in the new version I've been working on. As you can see the latest version is almost a year old. I've been busy with school and had a summer job plus no room to test the plugin, so I haven't had lots of time to update it. But theblockette bug sounds weird. I may have to look into that. CTF uses some sign manipulation and it may effect lac but I will have to check on that. The current version uploaded is more meant for its own server to run on. But the version I've been working on is designed to be a mini game and not a full server game. Sorry about this. When I update the plugin I will message you or update this ticket to let you know. I'm very sorry about this.

    Edited Mar 14, 2015
  • _ForgeUser9350253 posted a comment Mar 14, 2015

    I am somewhat aware of the egg issue. It does not do this in the new version I've been working on. As you can see the latest version is almost a year old. I've been busy with school and had a summer job plus no room to test the plugin, so I haven't had lots of time to update it. But theblockette bug sounds weird. I may have to look into that. CTF uses some sign manipulation and it may effect lac but I will have to check on that. The current version uploaded is more meant for its own server to run on. But the version I've been working on is designed to be a mini game and not a full server game. Sorry about this. When I update the plugin I will message you or update this ticket to let you know. I'm very sorry about this.

    Edited Mar 14, 2015
  • _ForgeUser9350253 posted a comment Mar 14, 2015

    I am somewhat aware of the egg issue. It does not do this in the new version I've been working on. As you can see the latest version is almost a year old. I've been busy with school and had a summer job plus no room to test the plugin, so I haven't had lots of time to update it. But theblockette bug sounds weird. I may have to look into that. CTF uses some sign manipulation and it may effect lac but I will have to check on that. The current version uploaded is more meant for its own server to run on. But the version I've been working on is designed to be a mini game and not a full server game. Sorry about this. When I update the plugin I will message you or update this ticket to let you know. I'm very sorry about this.

    Edited Mar 14, 2015
  • _ForgeUser9350253 posted a comment Mar 14, 2015

    I am somewhat aware of the egg issue. It does not do this in the new version I've been working on. As you can see the latest version is almost a year old. I've been busy with school and had a summer job plus no room to test the plugin, so I haven't had lots of time to update it. But theblockette bug sounds weird. I may have to look into that. CTF uses some sign manipulation and it may effect lac but I will have to check on that. The current version uploaded is more meant for its own server to run on. But the version I've been working on is designed to be a mini game and not a full server game. Sorry about this. When I update the plugin I will message you or update this ticket to let you know. I'm very sorry about this.

  • _ForgeUser18590773 posted a comment Mar 15, 2015

    Also i noticed later in the evening that World Edit was being weird too, it was allowing me to break a block as i set point one though this was not game changing and was again resolved after removing CTF. To confirm i use LWC (light weight chest protection) it doesn't use signs to lock, though it can lock signs. I do like playing this game so i will decide with my dev the best way to place it into the server either as is or via bungee. Thank you for looking into this, NJ

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