
  check-updates: true  # Check updated version of Camera Obscura
  language: english  # Language. By default supported english and russian
  language-save: false # Save language file
# Brush used to select wool-painting. Default: feather item
  brush-id: 288
# Photo paper used everytime when you creating a picture or photo. Default: PAPER:1
    id: 339
    data: 1
# Photo camera used to develop a photo or build a tripod camera. Default: WATCH:1
    id: 347
    data: 1
# Enable build-in recipces. If you need to use other recipe manager set this variable to false
  use-recipes: true
# If set to true - tripod camera's button (lens) will turned to photo camera when breaking
  obscura-drop: true
# Deleted image will be used when you creating new ones.
  reuse-deleted-maps: true
# Wool pictures with sizes lesser than this values will be not printed at pictures
  minimal-pixel-art-size: 16
# Default backgrounds. Random - will be select on file from the background folder randomly
  default-background: random
# Picture limit. If player reach it (create 15 photoes) he must delete picture to create new
  pictures-per-owner: 15
# Burn wool after painting picture
  burn-pixel-art-wool: true
# You can save any skin at /skins/ directory - this skin will be used if player has now skin or if skin was not downloaded from the server
  default-skin: default_skin.png
# Skin will be downloaded from here:

# Configure displaying of picture name
# Default state of show/hide picture names for new images
  show-at-new-pictures: true
# x,y - coordinages for picture name (at canvas)
  x: 1
  y: 122
# Font name (must be installed in system)
  font-name: Serif
# Font size
  font-size: 9
# Font color
  font-color: '#000000'
# Enable stroke (outline picture name)
  stroke: true
# Stroke color
  stroke_color: '#FFFFFF'


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