Calendar is a plugin that will add a new feature to the game.. The ability to put a calendar on the wall. In the upcoming Minecraft 1.4 Mojang will add Item Displays, these allow you to put a Map inside it After testing the normal maps in a Dev release of 1.4 I noticed that maps do get rendered inside them So I had the idea to put a calendar inside an item display.
Currently I am still developing the plugin, and I want to make sure it does work in 1.4 Thats why I have this server mod in Experimental mode.
Here is a sneak peak of what you will see:
I want the user to be able to create their own Calendar layouts , and use different variables such as $mmmm ->month full writen $dd -> day two decimals ,....
And place them using X,Y, coordinates
Maybe I can even add a calendar with a picture that changes every month (Actually that is easy, only problem is that I am too lazy to search for some pictures that I can use for free)
22/09: Finally got the multi map render bug fixed :) Example of my yml:
# Add your type ID under types: # To add content, place it under add: callendars: basic: description: A basic Calendar with month day and year interval: 30 add: month: string: $MMMM position_x: $center position_y: 30 font: Serif font_style: REGULAR font_size: 20 color: BLACK day: string: $d position_x: $center position_y: 75 font: Serif font_style: REGULAR font_size: 55 color: BLACK year: string: $yyyy position_x: $center position_y: 100 font: Serif font_style: REGULAR font_size: 15 color: BLACK basic2: description: A basic Calendar with month day and year interval: 30 add: month: string: $MMMM position_x: $center position_y: 30 font: Verdana font_style: REGULAR font_size: 20 color: green day: string: $d position_x: $center position_y: 75 font: Verdana font_style: REGULAR font_size: 55 color: green year: string: $yyyy position_x: $center position_y: 100 font: Verdana font_style: REGULAR font_size: 15 color: green
Basic = the image calendar Basic2 = the same image but with green text in verdana
working on image now the contents are added after eachother, so a user can set a background or forground picture by placing it before something.
Release Data
ASAP when 1.4 comes out
Special thanks
Special thanks to 'Paulushi' for the great idea
Yeah, Haven't got much time to finish this, will try to fix it soon
How do u get current date? All date getting methords return string "[]"!!
I really want to see this in development.
I have uploaded a buggy version of the program, if you have time plz try it out :) The calendar give command does not work yet (use /give namexx map 1 0 instead)
Thanks for testing, Maxim
Managed to get the maps to render withing a itemdisplay, VIDEO: (Dont mind the text in chat :D its from another plugin I'm creating)
Normally I should be able to force render all maps
If they are in the item frame they only render if a player has them in hand. If no player opens it in the inventory, it would update itself.
Watch this at 7.30:
This looks good :D Good luck with this project :)
it hears good.