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After creating some of the basic recipes, the custom recipes are attempted but cause Illegal Argument's based on that some of the materials are null.
[16:33:46 INFO]: [Disease] Enabling Disease v3.0.1[16:33:46 INFO]: [Disease] Plugin Loading[16:33:46 INFO]: [Disease] Loading configuration file[16:33:46 INFO]: [Disease] Loading Language file[16:33:46 INFO]: [Disease] Temperature module loaded[16:33:46 INFO]: [Disease] ºaAdding allowed world: world[16:33:46 INFO]: [Disease] ºaAdding allowed world: world_nether[16:33:46 INFO]: [Disease] ºaAdding allowed world: world_the_end[16:33:46 INFO]: [Disease] Loading choking items: [APPLE, BREAD, PORKCHOP, COOKED_PORKCHOP, FISH, COOKED_FISH, BEEF, COOKED_BEEF, CHICKEN, COOKED_CHICKEN, CARROT, POTATO, BAKED_POTATO, RABBIT, RABBIT_STEW, MUTTON, COOKED_MUTTON][16:33:46 INFO]: ºaCreating Bandage Recipe[16:33:46 INFO]: ºaCreating LegSplint Recipe[16:33:46 INFO]: ºaCreating vaccines Recipe[16:33:46 INFO]: ºaCreating Syringe Recipe[16:33:46 INFO]: ºaCreating boiling milk recipe[16:33:46 INFO]: ºaCreating cold water recipe[16:33:46 INFO]: ºaCreating Disease Vial Recipe[16:33:46 INFO]: ºaCreating Disease Arrow Recipe[16:33:46 INFO]: [Disease] Loading custom remedies: MAGMA_CREAM[16:33:46 INFO]: ºaCreating WarmGel recipe[16:33:46 INFO]: º9Creating custom Sweetwort recipe[16:33:46 INFO]: º9Error creating custom Sweetwort craft recipe[16:33:46 INFO]: º9trying to use materials SULPHUR EGG SUGAR AIR AIR AIR AIR POTION AIR[16:33:46 INFO]: º9Error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Material cannot be null[16:33:46 INFO]: º9Creating custom Smoothwater recipe[16:33:46 INFO]: º9Creating custom Bitterwort recipe[16:33:46 INFO]: º9Error creating custom Bitterwort craft recipe[16:33:46 INFO]: º9trying to use materials DEAD_BUSH INK_SACK COAL AIR AIR AIR AIR POTION AIR[16:33:46 INFO]: º9Error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Material cannot be null[16:33:46 INFO]: º9Creating custom Brightwater recipe[16:33:46 INFO]: º9Error creating custom Brightwater craft recipe[16:33:46 INFO]: º9trying to use materials EGG STRING YELLOW_FLOWER AIR AIR AIR AIR POTION AIR[16:33:46 INFO]: º9Error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Material cannot be null[16:33:46 INFO]: º9Creating custom Blackbrew recipe[16:33:46 INFO]: º9Error creating custom Blackbrew craft recipe[16:33:46 INFO]: º9trying to use materials INK_SACK COAL CLAY_BALL AIR AIR AIR AIR POTION AIR[16:33:46 INFO]: º9Error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Material cannot be null[16:33:46 INFO]: º9Creating custom SoothingPotion recipe[16:33:46 INFO]: º9Error creating custom SoothingPotion craft recipe[16:33:46 INFO]: º9trying to use materials YELLOW_FLOWER AIR AIR AIR AIR AIR AIR POTION AIR[16:33:46 INFO]: º9Error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Material cannot be null[16:33:46 INFO]: º9Creating custom LycanPotion recipe[16:33:46 INFO]: º9Creating custom SweetBrine recipe[16:33:46 INFO]: º9Error creating custom SweetBrine craft recipe[16:33:46 INFO]: º9trying to use materials SEEDS EGG INK_SACK AIR AIR AIR AIR POTION AIR[16:33:46 INFO]: º9Error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Material cannot be null[16:33:46 INFO]: [Disease] ºcThanks for using the BYTE Disease plugin -![16:33:46 INFO]: [Disease] ºaBYTE scoreboard Enabled[16:33:46 INFO]: [Disease] Scoreboard Stats not Found[16:33:46 INFO]: [Disease] Citizens plugin not Found[16:33:46 INFO]: [Disease] Vault plugin not Found[16:33:46 INFO]: [Disease] World Guard disabled in config[16:33:46 INFO]: [Disease] timer at 500
Love the concept of the plugin, thanks for putting all the time into it. I can't, however, seem to break my leg or bust my fist open punching blocks or get Cholera by drinking unboiled water. I tried changing the fleshWoundChance and brokenLegChance down to 2 and then 1, but still unable to.
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