Unable to reset regions manually, and they don't reset automatically. #77

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  • Defect
Assigned to _ForgeUser8134542
  • _ForgeUser8365159 created this issue Nov 28, 2013

    I'm not sure if this is a configuration issue, or if it's an actual bug with the plugin, but nobody else is complaining about it, so this could just be a mistake on my part.

    Anyways, when I attempt to reset a region or the region should automatically reset after the rent expires, it doesn't. Manually attempting to reset it just gives me: "BuyLand: TestRegion has NOT been reset!". I've made sure that I have it set to place and save schematics, but I'm not 100% sure if htis is configured correctly, or if I just screwed something up.

    Here's my configuration for renting: http://pastie.org/8515291

    I'm running CraftBukkit 1.6.4-R1.0 and BuyLand 0.8.7. There are no errors upon startup or when I try to manually reset a region.

  • _ForgeUser8365159 added the tags New Defect Nov 28, 2013
  • _ForgeUser7375107 posted a comment Dec 2, 2013

    in regards to manually trying to reset the region. The only way to get the error you received, "BuyLand: TestRegion has NOT been reset!", is to enter a region name that does not exist. Make sure the region you are trying to reset is called testregion.

    If it is a valid region, please paste a copy of your rent.yml file (at least the lines that contain the restregion information) and a copy of the regions.yml file from "plugins/WorldGuard/worlds/WORLDNAME/regions.yml"

    Also, what version are you using? 0.8.7?

    In regards to the rent expired regions, I would need to see the rent.yml file to make sure nothing is wrong there.

    One way to test this is (in the rent.yml file) in a region, change the "time: 0", and "rentable: false". and then do a command of reloadbuyland. Within a minute, the region should expire and be available for rent again.

  • _ForgeUser8365159 posted a comment Dec 3, 2013

    <<reply 1892341>>

    TestRegion was just an example actually :P This happens whenever I attempt to reset a region, and yes, they do exist. Try c1 for example. It exists in the regions.yml and the rent.yml files, but it still refuses to reset.

    Here's my rent.yml http://pastebin.com/fgFhwzKS

    Here's my WorldGuard regions.yml http://pastebin.com/nUDz3BUv

    Additionally, here's my config.yml http://pastebin.com/4YShwE50

    That WG regions file is a bit messy since we recently had to redo every single region since we switched from SimpleRegionMarket to BuyLand.

    I'm using v0.8.7 right now.

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