All available in game commands are:
/accept <command> - accepts the <command> vote /vote day - makes day for the world /vote night - makes night for the world /vote eternalday - makes infinite day for the world /vote eternalnight - makes infinite night for the world /vote storm - toggles rain/snow /vote thunder - toggles a thunderstorm /vote mute <name> - mutes a player /vote unmute <name> - unmutes a player /bvunmute - unmutes a BukkitVote muted player (only for ops) /fvote <command> - Forces a specific command to execute (should be for ops) (e.g. /fvote kick sillyname - kicks sillyname) /vote help - gives help /vote kick <name> - kicks <name> /vote ban <name> - bans <name> /vote worldinfo - gives information about the current world you're in (e.g if something permanent is on) does not need to be voted for<</code>>
There is one hidden command for fvote with which you can strike players with lightning.
There are no other commands and because of many requests:It is not possible to execute commands from other plugins. Only these will work.