BukkitIRCd by Jdbye
- A standalone IRC server plugin for Bukkit
Latest Version: v0.9.3
- Runs as either a standalone IRC server, or a IRC link to any InspIRCd server.
- Standalone IRC server with ingame chat, easily integrated with website using a IRC widget or applet.
- Whois for both IRC and ingame players, shows current world. Also works ingame.
- Nickname suffix for ingame players to differentiate between IRC and normal players.
- Nick changing on IRC, shows up ingame.
- Public chat from IRC to game, and game to IRC.
- Private messaging from game to IRC, IRC to game, and IRC to IRC.
- Kicking, banning and listing IRC users and setting topic from IRC and ingame.
- Reply quickly to messages using /ircreply
- Ingame users show as separate users on IRC.
- Execute server commands from IRC. (oper only)
- IRC notices from IRC to game, and IRC to IRC.
- IRC joins/quits show up ingame, and vice versa.
- Customizable MOTD read from motd.txt
- Customizable messages read from messages.yml
- User modes (op, protect, voice, etc.) based on permissions nodes.
- Customizable color code conversion between IRC<->Game.
- IRC formatting codes are supported ingame using ^B for bold, ^I for italic, ^U for underline, ^O for normal and ^K for color, and are stripped from ingame chat.
- Dynmap support - IRC messages show up on Dynmap, and vice versa.
Coming soon:
- HeroChat/Towny support
- UnrealIRCd linking support.
Commands: (arguments enclosed in parenthesis are optional)
- /irckick nick (reason) - Kicks someone from IRC. Aliases: /ikick
- /ircban (type) nick/ip/fullhost (reason) - Bans a online user from IRC by their host, IP, nick or ident, or offline user by IP or full hostmask. (type) means you can type either one of host/ip/ident/nick to choose the type of ban. This is optional and it will use the config file setting if it's omitted. Aliases: /iban
- /ircunban ip/fullhost - Unbans a user from IRC. Aliases: /iunban
- /irclist - Lists all users currently on IRC. Aliases: /ilist
- /ircwhois nick - Looks up any user currently on IRC. Aliases: /iwhois
- /ircmsg nick message - Private messages any user currently on IRC. Aliases: /imsg, /im
- /ircreply message - Reply to the last message you received from IRC. Aliases: /ireply, /ir
- /irctopic newtopic - Changes the IRC topic. Aliases: /itopic
- /irclink - Attempts to link to the remote IRC server if in linking mode. Aliases: /ilink
- /ircreload - Reloads the configuration file. Aliases: /ireload
- /rawsend command - For debugging purposes only. Sends a raw server command in linking mode. Disabled by default in the config file.
- !players - IRC command to list online players.
Permission Nodes (Permissions 2.x/Superperms):
- bukkitircd.kick - Permission for /irckick
- bukkitircd.ban - Permission for /ircban
- bukkitircd.unban - Permission for /ircunban
- bukkitircd.list - Permission for /irclist
- bukkitircd.whois - Permission for /ircwhois
- bukkitircd.msg - Permission for /ircmsg
- bukkitircd.reply - Permission for /ircreply
- bukkitircd.topic - Permission for /irctopic
- bukkitircd.link - Permission for /irclink
- bukkitircd.reload - Permission for /ircreload
- bukkitircd.* - Gives the player permission to all of the above.
- bukkitircd.oper - Gives the player IRC Operator status. Currently doesn't do anything apart from show it in /whois
- bukkitircd.mode.owner, bukkitircd.mode.protect, bukkitircd.mode.op, bukkitircd.mode.halfop, bukkitircd.mode.voice - Gives the player the corresponding IRC user mode.
- bukkitircd.mode.* - Gives the player every IRC user mode. (except oper)
Source is included in the JAR file and is licensed under GPLv3 GNU General Public License. This means you are free to release modified versions as long as the source is included.
Ok, switched from craft irc to this and it looks like plugin installed properly but every time I try to connect to the irc server which running in standalone mode I get this message: Socket Error 10061. Connection is forcefully rejected.
Its not firewall, cause I even tried with server running in DMZ, so what could it be? Tried running irc client on the server itself and connect through localhost. Same results Also I left everything default in config file. So am I to assume the host address should stay the same or change it to localhost? right now its bukkitircd.localhost or it doesn't matter, is it only to show the address people should use to connect to?
@shinji257 So once I get into the staff room. I can just run commands the same as inside minecraft or do I have to do some kind of prefix??
You should be able to once you authenticate your self as an irc operator. Once you do that the staff room becomes accessible and you can run just about any command from there as console.
hi, maybe IM missing something, but can you kick or ban people in minecraft when you in irc. I basically want to be able to watch over the server via irc and be able to kick or ban people while in irc channel
Trying to get this to work linking with an InspIRCd 2.0.5 server, and it finds the server, tries to connect, but then it complains about invalid credentials and disconnects. Yes, I am sure the creds are right, we even restarted the main IRCd. Any ideas?
(Sorry for the long post, don't know how to hide it with the new system)
Config File:
Can this connect to a already set up server? Or do I have to use the server service provided in the plugin?
I totally love the idea of minecraft chat <-> some irc network.
The problem is, i do not feel well, that one could become irc oper by having OP @ minecraft... (you know rawsend and so on) I simply would not want to give minecraft link access to an irc network.
So i guess ill stay with IRCTransports[0] for now.
But, if you ever decided to split this plugin into plugin1: full featured IRCd + plugin2: full featured IRC <-> Minecraft-Chatreplacing-Webirc-bot (spoofed client connections, ircd independend), you'd be totally awesome.
You might want to talk to the Author of IRCTransports [0]? (or fork his work)
[0] http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/chat-irctransport-0-11-2-minecraft-chat-irc-integration-1337.3412/
I have a couple simple requests. 1: Death messages. This is IMPORTANT. Make it simple too, on death, run command /me died: %reason%. 2: Kick/Ban messages. Sent from the main bot, would really help.
Gah! The old NPE is back.
Yay! The new version fixed the NPE during plugin load. In addition it appears to hook into dynmap again so now we have 3-way chat!
I'm using bChatManager :D
It should. What chat plugin are you using?
Got a small problem under bukkit 1597
First time using this, and it seems awesome :D
Just want to ask why irc -> game doesn't work
Updated to 1597 and now I'm getting a NPE during load. Note that it does load fine but I'm hoping you can clear it up none the less.
P.S. Dynmap is not integrating with BukkitIRCd...
nice Plugin =)
Is it possible to join the stuff channel ingame?
Can you add a feature in the future to allow me to bind it to a particular ip address? I have 2 ips on my vps but I only want the server to listen to one of them. Thanks.
If you use the InspIRCd linking, you can have multiple servers using the same channel. You can have the same channel name on multiple servers regardless, but I assume what you want is to have separate Minecraft servers using the same IRC server - the only way to do this currently is to use InspIRCd linking, or have a CraftIRC bot on the secondary servers set to connect to the main IRC server.
Make sure the oper username and password are set correctly in the config file, e.g:
The leading tilde character signifies a hashed password (the password is automatically hashed whenever a unhashed password is loaded)
Also note that if you modify the config file while the plugin is loaded, it will be overwritten next time the plugin is unloaded.
What am I missing Blunty? Grrrrrrrrrrrrr
Is this able to link between chat channels? IE if I only want people to see global chat rather than faction chat channels?
Is it possible to have multiple servers use the same IRC channel? Or do they have to have separate channels?