BukkitIRCd by Jdbye
- A standalone IRC server plugin for Bukkit
Latest Version: v0.9.3
- Runs as either a standalone IRC server, or a IRC link to any InspIRCd server.
- Standalone IRC server with ingame chat, easily integrated with website using a IRC widget or applet.
- Whois for both IRC and ingame players, shows current world. Also works ingame.
- Nickname suffix for ingame players to differentiate between IRC and normal players.
- Nick changing on IRC, shows up ingame.
- Public chat from IRC to game, and game to IRC.
- Private messaging from game to IRC, IRC to game, and IRC to IRC.
- Kicking, banning and listing IRC users and setting topic from IRC and ingame.
- Reply quickly to messages using /ircreply
- Ingame users show as separate users on IRC.
- Execute server commands from IRC. (oper only)
- IRC notices from IRC to game, and IRC to IRC.
- IRC joins/quits show up ingame, and vice versa.
- Customizable MOTD read from motd.txt
- Customizable messages read from messages.yml
- User modes (op, protect, voice, etc.) based on permissions nodes.
- Customizable color code conversion between IRC<->Game.
- IRC formatting codes are supported ingame using ^B for bold, ^I for italic, ^U for underline, ^O for normal and ^K for color, and are stripped from ingame chat.
- Dynmap support - IRC messages show up on Dynmap, and vice versa.
Coming soon:
- HeroChat/Towny support
- UnrealIRCd linking support.
Commands: (arguments enclosed in parenthesis are optional)
- /irckick nick (reason) - Kicks someone from IRC. Aliases: /ikick
- /ircban (type) nick/ip/fullhost (reason) - Bans a online user from IRC by their host, IP, nick or ident, or offline user by IP or full hostmask. (type) means you can type either one of host/ip/ident/nick to choose the type of ban. This is optional and it will use the config file setting if it's omitted. Aliases: /iban
- /ircunban ip/fullhost - Unbans a user from IRC. Aliases: /iunban
- /irclist - Lists all users currently on IRC. Aliases: /ilist
- /ircwhois nick - Looks up any user currently on IRC. Aliases: /iwhois
- /ircmsg nick message - Private messages any user currently on IRC. Aliases: /imsg, /im
- /ircreply message - Reply to the last message you received from IRC. Aliases: /ireply, /ir
- /irctopic newtopic - Changes the IRC topic. Aliases: /itopic
- /irclink - Attempts to link to the remote IRC server if in linking mode. Aliases: /ilink
- /ircreload - Reloads the configuration file. Aliases: /ireload
- /rawsend command - For debugging purposes only. Sends a raw server command in linking mode. Disabled by default in the config file.
- !players - IRC command to list online players.
Permission Nodes (Permissions 2.x/Superperms):
- bukkitircd.kick - Permission for /irckick
- bukkitircd.ban - Permission for /ircban
- bukkitircd.unban - Permission for /ircunban
- bukkitircd.list - Permission for /irclist
- bukkitircd.whois - Permission for /ircwhois
- bukkitircd.msg - Permission for /ircmsg
- bukkitircd.reply - Permission for /ircreply
- bukkitircd.topic - Permission for /irctopic
- bukkitircd.link - Permission for /irclink
- bukkitircd.reload - Permission for /ircreload
- bukkitircd.* - Gives the player permission to all of the above.
- bukkitircd.oper - Gives the player IRC Operator status. Currently doesn't do anything apart from show it in /whois
- bukkitircd.mode.owner, bukkitircd.mode.protect, bukkitircd.mode.op, bukkitircd.mode.halfop, bukkitircd.mode.voice - Gives the player the corresponding IRC user mode.
- bukkitircd.mode.* - Gives the player every IRC user mode. (except oper)
Source is included in the JAR file and is licensed under GPLv3 GNU General Public License. This means you are free to release modified versions as long as the source is included.
Any thoughts on when we can see an R5 ready version?
Like a n00b, I am going to ask the question: How do I set this up? Do I need an irc already setup? I am running it on a remote host. Does that fact change anything? If there is a video tutorial I didnt find, please post the link. Thanks!
I love that !! Thank you very much to do this.
I don't really know how it works but is it possible to add nickserv service to register nick ?
First time using this, and it seems awesome :D Just want to ask why game -> irc doesn't work(i can see /me <text> used ingame in IRC, and can PM to IRC users, but not chat messages)
I'm using mChat, but without any chat plugin it doesn't work too.
Certain commands that work from console don't seem to work from BukkitIRCd i.e. I can do "say" in console, but when I try to do !say in #staff, I get <BukkitIRCd> You don't have permission. <BukkitIRCd> Command executed.
So far it seems like all CommandBook commands and many built-in ones. We have had a similar problem with commands not working with CraftIRC.
Also, will UnrealIRCd support be anytime soon? :P
The prefix for server commands is ! (exclamation mark)
The link hostname ("link-name" in config.yml and "name" in the server block in your inspircd.conf) needs to be set the same on both sides as well as the connect and receive passwords. Additionally the server-host in config.yml and the "name" in the link block of your inspircd links.conf need to be set the same or the InspIRCd side will complain.
For the moment, you would need to run a separate InspIRCd server and use the plugin in linking mode. I am considering adding a similar feature to services in a future update.
The server-host setting does not matter unless you're linking to an InspIRCd server. It's only used internally by the server and in /whois results. It's possible your host blocks port 6667 (a lot of hosts don't allow IRC traffic), however you should still be able to connect locally as long as there are no errors when BukkitIRCd tries to listen on the port. Check the server log for something along the lines of "IOException on socket listen".
Please read my previous comment.
For everyone having the configuration error, I have uploaded a new version that hopefully fixes the bug. Please delete your configuration files, try it and let me know if the bug still occurs. I'm unable to reproduce the bug myself, this makes it harder to fix and I can't be certain if the fix works.
Does this plugin restart, save etc automatically in a given time?
That worked! thanks! :) I could have swore I tried that before.
I found fix. Use Notepad or similar and Encode file to UTF-8 (Encoding
> Encode in UTF-8). Replace all bad invalid characters with "§" and everything will work@Regal0wl
Have you figured it out? cause i still cant, and I would love to use this plugin.
I get the same error. In addition I'm unable to connect to the standalone IRC server. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if it is caused by the error. I have checked the config for errors numerous times, however, and I can see nothing wrong with it.
I still keep getting this:
11:05:39 AM [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling BukkitIRCd v0.9.2c (Is it up to date?): special characters are not allowed unacceptable character '?' (0xFFFD) special characters are not allowed in "<reader>", position 98
I have checked my config and I cannot find any errors, has anyone had any trouble configuring this plugin?
Is there any ETA on HeroChat support?
I cant figure out why i keep getting this same error then.
What an amazing plugin, thank you so much for this. Works perfectly.
Does this plugin actually work? Because I cannot get it to load properly.
how does one load nickserv and chanserv to the irc server?
Using CB 1716, i get this: