BukkitIRCd by Jdbye
- A standalone IRC server plugin for Bukkit
Latest Version: v0.9.3
- Runs as either a standalone IRC server, or a IRC link to any InspIRCd server.
- Standalone IRC server with ingame chat, easily integrated with website using a IRC widget or applet.
- Whois for both IRC and ingame players, shows current world. Also works ingame.
- Nickname suffix for ingame players to differentiate between IRC and normal players.
- Nick changing on IRC, shows up ingame.
- Public chat from IRC to game, and game to IRC.
- Private messaging from game to IRC, IRC to game, and IRC to IRC.
- Kicking, banning and listing IRC users and setting topic from IRC and ingame.
- Reply quickly to messages using /ircreply
- Ingame users show as separate users on IRC.
- Execute server commands from IRC. (oper only)
- IRC notices from IRC to game, and IRC to IRC.
- IRC joins/quits show up ingame, and vice versa.
- Customizable MOTD read from motd.txt
- Customizable messages read from messages.yml
- User modes (op, protect, voice, etc.) based on permissions nodes.
- Customizable color code conversion between IRC<->Game.
- IRC formatting codes are supported ingame using ^B for bold, ^I for italic, ^U for underline, ^O for normal and ^K for color, and are stripped from ingame chat.
- Dynmap support - IRC messages show up on Dynmap, and vice versa.
Coming soon:
- HeroChat/Towny support
- UnrealIRCd linking support.
Commands: (arguments enclosed in parenthesis are optional)
- /irckick nick (reason) - Kicks someone from IRC. Aliases: /ikick
- /ircban (type) nick/ip/fullhost (reason) - Bans a online user from IRC by their host, IP, nick or ident, or offline user by IP or full hostmask. (type) means you can type either one of host/ip/ident/nick to choose the type of ban. This is optional and it will use the config file setting if it's omitted. Aliases: /iban
- /ircunban ip/fullhost - Unbans a user from IRC. Aliases: /iunban
- /irclist - Lists all users currently on IRC. Aliases: /ilist
- /ircwhois nick - Looks up any user currently on IRC. Aliases: /iwhois
- /ircmsg nick message - Private messages any user currently on IRC. Aliases: /imsg, /im
- /ircreply message - Reply to the last message you received from IRC. Aliases: /ireply, /ir
- /irctopic newtopic - Changes the IRC topic. Aliases: /itopic
- /irclink - Attempts to link to the remote IRC server if in linking mode. Aliases: /ilink
- /ircreload - Reloads the configuration file. Aliases: /ireload
- /rawsend command - For debugging purposes only. Sends a raw server command in linking mode. Disabled by default in the config file.
- !players - IRC command to list online players.
Permission Nodes (Permissions 2.x/Superperms):
- bukkitircd.kick - Permission for /irckick
- bukkitircd.ban - Permission for /ircban
- bukkitircd.unban - Permission for /ircunban
- bukkitircd.list - Permission for /irclist
- bukkitircd.whois - Permission for /ircwhois
- bukkitircd.msg - Permission for /ircmsg
- bukkitircd.reply - Permission for /ircreply
- bukkitircd.topic - Permission for /irctopic
- bukkitircd.link - Permission for /irclink
- bukkitircd.reload - Permission for /ircreload
- bukkitircd.* - Gives the player permission to all of the above.
- bukkitircd.oper - Gives the player IRC Operator status. Currently doesn't do anything apart from show it in /whois
- bukkitircd.mode.owner, bukkitircd.mode.protect, bukkitircd.mode.op, bukkitircd.mode.halfop, bukkitircd.mode.voice - Gives the player the corresponding IRC user mode.
- bukkitircd.mode.* - Gives the player every IRC user mode. (except oper)
Source is included in the JAR file and is licensed under GPLv3 GNU General Public License. This means you are free to release modified versions as long as the source is included.
With the permission of Jdbye, I have made BukkitIRCd Reloaded, a continuation of this plugin!
would you tell us how you beat it?
Yep, I'd quite like to have this going as well, but my network is UnrealIRCD and support for that's been in planning forever..
I would love either an update to this or someone else to continue work. It is such a good plugin, and has missing features that I'd like to request at some point.
Finally got it, and it's glorious.
So I caved, I am trying to link this with an inspircd server. I keep getting:
[WARNING] [BukkitIRCd] Server link failed: java.io.IOException: Invalid credentials
Has anyone beaten this error? (in b4 check your passwords)
They are purposely set to "password" for testing purposes.
Not only that, this plugin made it so easy for me to moderate my server when I couldn't be in game or at the console. The operator channel was great to have as I could run commands and operate my server from my BBerry IRC app.
Damnit. Why anything that uses chats doesn't use the IRC standard in the first place is beyond me. Why reinvent the wheel? The chat system in vanilla should be IRC (either running its own instance or connecting to one). It would make it much easier to moderate chats.
It sure is, this was great plugin.
Shame this isn't being worked on anymore. I was looking forward to an IRCu P10 version.
That would be dependent on your setup. The majority of the time, yes if you're using a home connection or something similar. In my case for testing purposes I am in fact using a home connection, just to see if I can link the two networks together. So for my specific case, yes I had to port forward 7200.
But, if anyone is using their own IRCd, odds are it's on the same network as the minecraft server itself, thus port forwarding is moot due to it being on the same network. Though, and still, it is possible that it would need to be done if it's on two servers inside the same network dependent on your operating system. ie: linux you would need to allow the ports via iptables and selinux (or what ever software-firewall you're using.) and in windows, windows firewall an exception would need to be made.
I hope that answered your question.
Do you have to open the port 7200 or whatever you chose for the localport and remote port?
Well, I've gotten far enough for BukkitIRCd to do two things.
1.) Complain about an invalid password. 2.) Complain about an invalid link name.
I'm currently attempting to get this to be setup in InspIRCd mode, but using IRCu as my IRCd. I guess it's not written for that, but I'd really like to get this going for IRCu. Do you have any dev builds that could possibly support IRCu?
Hi I've been trying for several days now to fix the issue im haveing and it seems to be a permmissions issue because I've unistalled every chat related plugin on my server but it is still not working all the correct chat is going to the IRC Game to IRC is working but only my SuperAdmins (admins with the '*' permmission) can see the IRC to Game Chat and ive even tried adding the bukkitircd.* permmission to the groups that do NOT see the IRC chat but it still did not work and im at a loss at where to go from here and any help with the issue would be apreciated.
Minecraft Version 1.2.5 Bukkit Version: Latest Dev Version
Hi this plugin looks great but i have no idea how to set it up please help me thx
First this plugin works wonderfully, I have it running and webchat enabled useing mibbit for wordpress, works great.
Only problem is, it is adding a strange character to the start of Residence enter/leave messages. this character  as far as I can tell. Anythoughts?
Thanks for the great plugin.
Cool plugin, it was a breeze to set up. So, how do I op myself so that I can use my IRC client's operator functions, or is that not included?
Hello, general question pitched at all the major IRC plugins: Does this plugin support assigning an IRC channel to an in-game region, so two-way communication between channel and game is available only within a certain area? Has anyone done this, or knows of a combination of plugins that allows it?