

/bit[reload]Reload BukkitInventoryTools configuration./bit reload
/sortNA.Point at the chest, furnace or dispenser and type /sort/sort
/digilock[lock pincode]This creates a DigiLock with a pincode/digilock lock 1234
/digilock[lock fingerprint]This lock creates a DigiLock with your fingerprint/digilock lock fingerprint
/digilock[pincode]This unlocks the digilock./digilock 1234
/digilock[unlock pincode]This unlocks the digilock./digilock unlock 1234
/digilock[owner playername]This changes the ownername toplayername/digilock owner Gabriel333
/digilock[coowner listofplayernames]This changes the list of coowners/digilock owner gabriel333,neatmonster,gandalf
/digilock[usecost cost]This changes the "use cost" and players will be charged the cost when using the item/digilock usecost 10
/digilock[closetimer seconds]This is not implemented yet.
/digilock[remove]This delete the DigiLock again. Admins can remove other users DigiLock's/digilock remove
/digilock[info]This shows the ownername of the Digilock./digilock info
/digilock[addcoowner playername]Add the playername to the list of coowners/digilock addcoowner gabriel333
/digilock[remcoowner playername]Removes the playername from the list of coowners/digilock remcoowner gabriel333
/digilock[adduser playername]Add the playername to the list of users/digilock adduser gabriel333
/digilock[remuser playername]Removes the playername from the list of users/digilock remuser gabriel333
/bookshelfPoint at the bookshelf and open the bookshelf by typing /bookshelf/bookshelf
/bookshelf[owner playername]This changes the ownername toplayername/bookshelf owner Gabriel333
/bookshelf[coowner listofplayernames]This changes the list of coowners/bookshelf owner gabriel333,neatmonster,gandalf
/bookshelf[usecost cost]This changes the "use cost" and players will be charged the cost when using the item/bookshelf usecost 10
/bookshelf[remove]This deletes the invenory in the bookshelf. All items will be droped on the ground. Admins can remove other bookshelfs/bookshelf remove
/bookshelf[info]This shows the ownername of the bookshelf./bookshelf info
/bookshelf[addcoowner playername]Add the playername to the list of coowners/bookshelf addcoowner gabriel333
/bookshelf[remcoowner playername]Removes the playername from the list of coowners/bookshelf remcoowner gabriel333
/bookshelf[adduser playername]Add the playername to the list of users/bookshelf adduser gabriel333
/bookshelf[remuser playername]Removes the playername from the list of users/digilock remuser gabriel333
/backpack[buy][buy playername]Buy or Upgrade your / player's Backpack.
/backpack[clear][Player]Clear your /player's inventory.
/backpack[info][info playername]Show information about your / player's Backpack.
/backpack[open][open playername]Open your / player's Backpack.
/backpack[upgrade][upgrade playername]Upgrade your / player's Backpack.
/backpackreloadReload Backpack's configuration.



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