Builder for Citizens2
Builder is a character plugin for the NPC plugin Citizens2. With Builder, A NPC can be given a mcedit/worldedit schematic file and build it block by block. Builder NPCs can also maintain an existing building, replacing changed blocks or removing new ones.
Builde' NPCs can:
- Build MCEdit/Worldedit schematics, block by block.
- Rebuild an existing structure, fixing anything that has been changed.
- Require players to supply the building materials before starting to build.
- Install Citizens2 Please use Latest Dev Builds
- Unzip to your minecraft /plugins/ directory.
- This will install Builder jar, create the Builder/schematics/ folder and put house.schamatic in it.
- Start your server.
- Create a NPC with Citizens and give it the 'builder' trait.
/npc create Bob --trait builder
- Load a schematic with /builder load, Example:
/builder load house
- This will load the included example house.schematic file.
- Position the NPC in the center of the area in which it should build.
- Start the NPC building with:
/builder build
More detailed instructions and other commands can be found on the Citizens 2 Wiki
Q: How can I use multiple builders on one project?
A: You can use up to 4 builders on one project by giving them all the same schematic and origin, but different build patterns. You can also manually split your schematic into multiple parts with WorldEdit or MCEdit.
Q: How can I make builders go faster?
A: Use the /builder timeout command to set the max time between blocks. You can also make the builder walk faster with "/npc speed"
How do you make it so 2 builders work on the same build together? Like how do you split the schematic?
Hi everyone. there's a Preview release of 0.6 on the WIki page. This new version has Supply Mode where you have to give the builder the materials. It needs lots of testing! Thanks.
Now that you have this, you should incorporate world edit to make it build super fast, like that cityscape idea. But yours is already better..
You can use multiple builders now by using different build patterns. Or split up your schematic into multiple parts.
Can you add some thing that will let you use more builders in one schematics you know like 5 builders in one build please and thanks. BTW this is alsome
This is so awesome, it makes life so much easier! Thanks!
It's my understanding that they broke the cruise ship into smaller schematics and had a builder build each piece separately, making the appearance of multiple builders on one project.
Everyone,can you help me? How to do a team builder to build a building, for example: 4 builders to make create a Building. like Minecraft Citizens2 Builder 'Team Cruise Ship'
what is Command?
please, help me....
You should make a slave character (or worker) that collect wood for you, farm for you, or mine for you. Or if you're familiar with the GlobalBank plugin, you should make a Banker character that holds items for players.
good and solve my problem because I have only one question how I can do to build another house or something like arriva videos I have to do? house.schamatic put something like where I download it or what? because I like to make the house Citizens2 video called Minecraft Builders builds on village HELP PLIS!
Create A Schematic:
1) Use pos1 and pos2 to select an area 2) Stand at the front ground level of your creation and use copy 3)Use schematic save mcedit <name of thing> 4) Tada! your schematic will now be in Server\Plugins\WorldEdit\Schematics\<name of thing>
how do i make Worldedit schematics i mean i have worldedit but your wiki tells me nothing on how to make schematics what the hell do i do?!?!
Love this plugin :D How to make two NPC's work on one building at the same time? Please help!
Awesome concept! I love it :)
Do both NPC's have to be named Bob to work at the same time?
OMG its awesome, how in my dream *_* :D
Wat u mean Same Origin and Different Pattern?
Couple options: 1) pre-build your neighborhood and save your own schematics with worldedit and use /builder origin schematic. 2) use Denizen bookmarks to find the correct starting locations along with /builder mark.
Make sure you have the latest build of Citizens2.
For some reason, when bob gets about half way through building the house, I get a java.socket.timeout.exception.. WHAT?!
This project is unreal, I just wonder how you can figure out the start point of where you build? so that you can grid your neighborhoods neatly?