Builder for Citizens2
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Builder is a character plugin for the NPC plugin Citizens2. With Builder, A NPC can be given a mcedit/worldedit schematic file and build it block by block. Builder NPCs can also maintain an existing building, replacing changed blocks or removing new ones.
Builde' NPCs can:
- Build MCEdit/Worldedit schematics, block by block.
- Rebuild an existing structure, fixing anything that has been changed.
- Require players to supply the building materials before starting to build.
- Install Citizens2 Please use Latest Dev Builds
- Unzip to your minecraft /plugins/ directory.
- This will install Builder jar, create the Builder/schematics/ folder and put house.schamatic in it.
- Start your server.
- Create a NPC with Citizens and give it the 'builder' trait.
/npc create Bob --trait builder
- Load a schematic with /builder load, Example:
/builder load house
- This will load the included example house.schematic file.
- Position the NPC in the center of the area in which it should build.
- Start the NPC building with:
/builder build
More detailed instructions and other commands can be found on the Citizens 2 Wiki
Q: How can I use multiple builders on one project?
A: You can use up to 4 builders on one project by giving them all the same schematic and origin, but different build patterns. You can also manually split your schematic into multiple parts with WorldEdit or MCEdit.
Q: How can I make builders go faster?
A: Use the /builder timeout command to set the max time between blocks. You can also make the builder walk faster with "/npc speed"
Well here's the thing, I'm working on a gamemode for Minecraft and we're going to allow players to build/place schematics and we'd like to force the changes to revert back to normal without forcing the player to step in a certain place or have a staff member to individually revert them. We're going to be scripting most things with the plugin VariableTriggers so we were thinking of using it for the whole placing origins, loading schematic, building, and then despawning the NPC after it's done building. =p
Is there a way for the Builder to grab two corners for the schematic to use so once they map the origin/corners it will save a schematic, which is the environment before changes, and lock the origins without removing the NPC so once they "remove" or "delete" the NPC it just uses the schematic that it saved beforehand? Yeah, it sounds really complex and time consuming, but wouldn't it be easier to set up CoreProtect to look for the changes so that you can revert them with a quick command?
give them different build patterns.
you can always make a schematic of the area before and have them 'build' that afterwards. or paste it with worldedit.
wordedit or mcedit to make your own, the internet to download more.
how do we make our own schematics or download more?
Is it at all possible to revert the changes made by a builder? Such as, having CoreProtect log the Builder's changes to the environment? I'm using Builders for a gamemode I'm creating and it's useless unless there's a way to revert the changes to the land back to normal before it was modified by builders.
If so, it will be very helpful!
My bad. I meant how do I get two builders to speed up the process of building because they literally build the same blocks and it doesn't get faster.
How do I get someone to build the same building at once? I have 2 builders but they are building the exact same block so it's nto going any faster. How do I get the builders to build the same building but a separate region?
Please respond back to me because i dont know what is going on...
When ever i install SENTRY, CITIZENS And BUILDER and start my server it wont work
I type /npc create Bob
And nothing pops up in chat and nothing happens!.... PLEASE HELP!
you have the latest build of citizens? do you also have the specified version build of craftbukkit?
I have the latest build but i wont work
I get this error when i do /npc create bob
java.long.nosuchfielderror: bukkitentity
What am i doing wrong?
Pastebin your full error.
i still get the same problem even when i have the same match Craftbukkit version! please help D:
builder 0.6.7 is for bukkit 1.4.7, like it says.
When I type:
/Builder build I get is this error please help
22.01 15:16:15 [Server] INFO at 22.01 15:16:15 [Server] INFO at 22.01 15:16:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.MinecraftServer.q( 22.01 15:16:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.DedicatedServer.r( 22.01 15:16:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.MinecraftServer.r( 22.01 15:16:15 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_6.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat( 22.01 15:16:15 [Server] INFO at 22.01 15:16:15 [Server] INFO at net.jrbudda.builder.BuilderTrait$ 22.01 15:16:15 [Server] INFO at net.jrbudda.builder.BuilderTrait.access$3( 22.01 15:16:15 [Server] INFO at net.jrbudda.builder.BuilderTrait.findaspot( 22.01 15:16:15 [Server] INFO at net.jrbudda.builder.Util.canStand( 22.01 15:16:15 [Server] INFO java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/server/v1_4_R1/Block 22.01 15:16:15 [Server] WARNING [Builder] Task #7535 for Builder v0.6.7 generated an exception
console errors?
that's a version mis-match between bukkit and citizens.
hey i got a problem: when i type /npc create bob and hit enter i get this: please report this error: [See Console] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/server/packet please help! and im using craftbukkit1.4.6-R0.3
Hey when have done /npc create and /trait builder and when i have done /builder load house and do /builder origin and then do /builder build he just stand there and look. What can I do?
The Wiki is down for me but How do I get them to rebuild a building
It is possible to have more than one building the same thing at the same time. I have 2 on my server building the same thing at one time. Makes building it a lot faster