Builder for Citizens2
Builder is a character plugin for the NPC plugin Citizens2. With Builder, A NPC can be given a mcedit/worldedit schematic file and build it block by block. Builder NPCs can also maintain an existing building, replacing changed blocks or removing new ones.
Builde' NPCs can:
- Build MCEdit/Worldedit schematics, block by block.
- Rebuild an existing structure, fixing anything that has been changed.
- Require players to supply the building materials before starting to build.
- Install Citizens2 Please use Latest Dev Builds
- Unzip to your minecraft /plugins/ directory.
- This will install Builder jar, create the Builder/schematics/ folder and put house.schamatic in it.
- Start your server.
- Create a NPC with Citizens and give it the 'builder' trait.
/npc create Bob --trait builder
- Load a schematic with /builder load, Example:
/builder load house
- This will load the included example house.schematic file.
- Position the NPC in the center of the area in which it should build.
- Start the NPC building with:
/builder build
More detailed instructions and other commands can be found on the Citizens 2 Wiki
Q: How can I use multiple builders on one project?
A: You can use up to 4 builders on one project by giving them all the same schematic and origin, but different build patterns. You can also manually split your schematic into multiple parts with WorldEdit or MCEdit.
Q: How can I make builders go faster?
A: Use the /builder timeout command to set the max time between blocks. You can also make the builder walk faster with "/npc speed"
This is done easily by hooking into Denizen. Then you can script your builder NPCs to do whatever you want!
Can you add a feature so that it builds in a rotation? For example, it builds one house, stops for a few seconds, then that house disappears and it starts building a new house. That way it does this pattern forever unless told to stop.
I'd use this for my server that way when a player walks by the bot builder area, he's constantly building and never stops. Rather than he builds a house and stops, then waits till someone resets him.
Just an idea :P
Did you install citizens2?
1.4.7 fail
spigot 1.4.7 build 575
You need citizens 2, not 1.2.3 legacy
Help Please !!!
@Miax785 is a good place or just google 'minecraft schematics'
Where i can download creatures for builder????
This is a plugin for Citizens 2. As it says.
If i use /builder load i get this error:
I use Citizens v. 1.2.3
Where i can download creatures for builder????
What version and build number of citizens2 is that?
Me to
Hey there i keep getting this error after using the command /builder load house
Gives me an Internal error with Citizens and Builder 1.4.7 version
i have done everything it says jet when im playing and i try to use this the npc says the pllugins/builder/schematics/house... something the point is it wont work please help or fix or something
Hmm. Do you know of any other plugin that could potentially track it's blockchange events in order to roll it back? I did another test and I confirm it doesn't track the block events.
What I was meaning was if the Builder, once the origins are set if it was possible to have the builder set two points/corners of the cubed schematic that I could use in a script to save a schematic before he begins on the original schematic. But, I don't think it's possible.
CoreProtect is a 'grief prevention' plugin of sorts,
Well, Thanks anyways. I don't think there's a way to do this without hooking the Builder's blockchange events into CoreProtect. :P
Builder does raise blockchange events (to keep plugins like Dynmap up to date) so i Im kinda surprised coreprotect isnt catching the blocks. I dont know anything about that plugin as i do not use it. Builder has no functionality for saving schematics, so you are left with using commands or scripts with other plugins to do what you want.