Bukkit Security Agency
Smile ! You're on camera.
What is it ?
Bukkit Security Agency (BSA) is a plugin which allows you to spy, listen and threaten your players with anonymous messages. (But only for their goodness, is not it ?)
- Global skin and global username for your spyers.
- Spy, listen and threaten your players.
- Has a lot of funny options.
- Auto-updates available.
- Approved by NSA.
How to use it ?
First, you have to run the command /bsa, you will enter in BSA mode. (You will need the permission bsa.use.)
Then, you can run one of the following commands :
- /bsa spy <player> - Teleports you on <player>. He is not able see you. Run the command another time to get out of the spy mode.
- /bsa listen <player> - Listen the input of <player> (you can configure which commands you want to listen in the config). You can add as many players you want. Run the command another time to remove <player> from your listen list.
- /bsa anon-msg <player> <message> - Send an anonymous message to <player>.
- /bsa hide - Hide you from others players. Run the command another time to reappear.
global-skin - Choose if your spyers have the same skin. ProtocolLib needed !
global-username - Choose if your spyers have the same username (over their head). ProtocolLib needed !
enable - Choose if you want to enable Skyupdater and PluginMetrics.
listened - Everything which is listened goes here. Here is a list of available materials.
logs - Logs options.
Here you can edit every messages sent by the plugin.
Services included in the plugin
This plugin utilizes Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to mcstats.org :
- A unique identifier.
- The server's version of Java.
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode.
- The plugin's version.
- The server's version.
- The OS version/name and architecture.
- The core count for the CPU.
- The number of players online.
- The Metrics version.
This plugin uses the Skyupdater, which means that the following may occur :
- Connection to curseforge.com.
- Plugin version compared against version on curseforge.com.
- Downloading of the plugin from curseforge.com.
Can youmake it so that it works for 1.8 please.
Here is my config file !
Send your config please.
I use BSA v2.0.1 and Spigot 1.7.10 ! When I setup logs 's enable "false" and file 's enable "false" , server start will occur error!
For sure x)
I expect this to be riddled with spyware yes?
No problem ;)
Ok! thank you for the quick reply!
Okay, at the moment, wait for the new beta (I have uploaded it two days ago).
If it occurs when you will install the new beta, please let me know.
And be sure to stop your server before editing the config ;)
I am having a small issue... the plugin doesn't seem to like it when I mess with the config... I try to turn on global skin and name but when I do it either resets the config during the next restart or makes it so the plugin doesn't work (I do have protocollib installed)
Thanks, added to the page ;)
A very awesome plugin to spy on those naughty players :D Works really well!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qb952meV1DU&list=UUZvGH5UFnZGHL7t11RLhg2w I have also made a video showcasing the plugin!
Set "log.console" to false.
Can disable show those message such like "[INFO] LEFT_CLICK_AIR" or "RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK" etc in console ?
Merci à toi ;)
Ça à l'air chouette :), je vais tester. Merci x)
/support, I do not think so, this is not a ticket plugin but I like the /report feature but again, this is not a support plugin sorry :s
Nice, I look forward to this. Can you also work on a couple of features?
- Support Live Chat: /Support (Admin username)
Then the UI can be - "You are now chatting to a member of staff, what seems to be the problem?"
- Report: /Report (Offender) (Reason)
This will send notifications to staff
When you are in spy mode, you are tp on the player you are spying and he cannot see you. That's all. When you exit the spy mode, the player can see you but you are not tp back to your location (but this one can be improved if you want).
When Exiting "spy mode" does it tp you back to where before entering "spy mode"? Is one set to fly when in "spy mode"? Does the player is "spy mode" still pickup blocks while in this mode? If Yes, can this be disabled? Im looking forward to using this plug-in!