Brewery is a Plugin for an alternate brewing process, including alcoholic Potions.
This Plugin works with Craftbukkit and Spigot 1.19, 1.18, 1.17, 1.16, 1.15, 1.14, ..., 1.8.x.
The somewhat difficult brewing process rewards you with a diversity of Potions, which, through their effects, create a drunkeness that has never existed in Minecraft before.
Learn the art of brewing through fermenting, distilling and barrel aging on your Minecraft server. Experience how, from spring water and wheat, through hard work, a cool beer is created. Distill high-proof liquor, which gets that unique taste after some aging in oak barrels. Celebrate the biggest feasts you can imagine and always keep the cheerful athmosphere. Fill the taverns with laughter and loud music, while the drunkards scuffle on the streets.
- Brew alcoholic Drinks, that actually can make you drunk
- Drunk people will stagger, the chat is influenced, effects and more
- Wake up at /home after a long night of drinking
- Lower quality brewed drinks have downsides like hangover
- Process of brewing with different steps like fermenting, distilling, aging
- Refine the quality, until the Drinks are perfect
- Master the brewing of even the most difficult Drinks
- Create your own Recipes including ingredients, properties and creation process
- Configurable influence on the chat
This Plugin now uses bStats! This submits anonymous stats about your server (player count, plugin/server version, etc.) to the public statistic website which will provide developers with usage statistics of this plugin. If you don't want this feature and wish to opt-out, you can do so in the /plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml. It would mean a lot to me though if you could leave it enabled, its part of what keeps me motivated :)
This Plugin uses an automatic Update Checker. It checks the CurseForge api for updates to this Plugin at each server start. If an update is found, the log and Ops are notified. The Update Checker runs in a seperate async thread, so it doesn't use any of your main processing resources. It will never download any files. If you wish, you can turn the Update Checker off in the config.yml
Brewing Tutorial and quick overview: Plugin Showcase and Config tutorial:
Check the Wiki for more Information on how to install and use Brewery.
Das Plugin ist auf Deutsch entwickelt worden, ist aber standardmäßig auf Englisch.
Das Wiki ist auch komplett auf deutsch, schaut dort für mehr Informationen!
By Default, the Plugin is in english language and config. It is highly advised to use the config and language file for your language, as some parts of the plugin (like the Chat distortion) are language specific.
Config and Language files are included with the Plugin and can be found in the Brewery folder after first run. Simply replace the generated config with one from the "configs" folder. Which language file to use is set in the config.
Language files are to be placed in the folder: plugins/brewery/languages/
German and English language file and config by me
French language file and config, thanks to AzuraStars, citron09 & XTREM5000
Italian language file and config, thanks to FraazT0
Getting Started
After installing you can simply start brewing, by fermenting ingredients, distilling and aging the ingredients. Check the Wiki for detailed informations about the process of brewing.
To also take advantage of the more advanced features, you may want to have a look at the config, where you can create your own recipes and even alter the word replacements in chat when a player is drunk. By default there are just some basic recipes, that show what settings you can utilise. There are plenty more possibilities to create own recipes such as other Liquors, Special Drinks, etc. You may want to look around on the internet about how the Drinks are made, or create fantasy recipes with funny effects and ingredients.
Most of the good Drinks should be kept secret or have just vague descriptions on how to brew them. That allows players to try around on specific ingredients, so that only certain brewers master the creation of a high quality drinks.
When it comes to drinking, it is nice to define Wakeup Points. These are places in the World where players "wake up" when they log off for a period of time while drunk. These places may be anything like high on a tree, inside a cave, on towers, on small islands or in astonishing buildings.
For best results the places should be distributed over a big area, as the algorithm favors a place near the players current position
Important Commands
Command | Description |
/brew help | Shows the help page |
/brew info | Information about your own drunkeness |
/brew info <player> |
Information about the drunkeness of <player> |
/brew create <recipe> |
Create a Brew by Command |
Important Permissions
Permission | Description |
brewery.user | Access to everything needed for brewing (Default) |
brewery.mod | Allow to maintain Wakeup Points and to login even if overdrunken |
brewery.admin | Gives access to Every Command and most bypasses (Default: op) |
A complete list of commands and permissions can be found here
Upcoming Features
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This plugin is released under GPLv3.
Currently the support for this Plugin is very minimal. It is in a very mature stage where everything should work as expected. Any issues arising with the use of this Plugin may considerably be solved using the Wiki, or the help of existing discussion.
Still, feel free to drop a comment below! Suggestions and bug reports are also welcome on GitHub.
If you have found a bug you may want to create a ticket or a pull request. You can also pm me for critical bugs.
Hi, I'm having a bit of a struggle with my own recipe. After i added my own recipe i was having a problem with reloading the config. Maybe someone can look on my recipe and tell me what i did wrong.
name: Schwarzwasserbasis
- sugar
- carrot
- coal
color: '525092'
name: Blasses Schwarzwasser/Schwarzwasser/Schwarzwasser Elite
- Sugar/16
- Carrot/4
- Coal/1
cookingtime: 10
distillruns: 3
wood: 6
age: 8
color: '040333'
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 33
- + &8Schlecht gebranntes Schwarzwasser
- ++ &8Ein leicht süßlich schmeckendes Destillat
- +++ &8Eine Meisterleistung der Destillierkunst aus dem Hause Schwarzwald
drinkmessage: Du merkst wie dir warm ums Herz wird
drinktitle: Jemand hat sich eine Flasche Schwarzwasser gegönnt
In reply to phlaay:
Sieht erstmal gut aus soweit, aber es kann immer mal sein dass man ein Leerzeichen zu viel hat irgendwo und dann stürzt der yml parser gleich ab.
Versuchs mal hier reinzukopieren und zu schauen ob er dir sagt was falsch ist
Hello, I'm having issues with the plugin when attempting to age or distil any recipes. I have an assumption that it may be some form of plugin confliction but I'm not entirely sure.Plugins that I'm using are:bPermissionsBreweryCitizensClearlagCoreProtectEssentialsXFastLeafDecayLibsDisguisesMythicMobsNoPhantomsOpenInvProtocolLibSentinelShopkeepersSuperVanishTimberUberEnchantVaultWorldeditWorldGuardAny suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.
Worked it out, it was ShopkeepersIn reply to Forge_User_75119292:
Hi i'm glad you found the issue. Could you explain what exactly was not working? So maybe i can fix the issue in the future
How can I customize recipes with this plugin?
In reply to astrophant:
Read the wiki page, it explains how to do it thoroughly.
I have a question about the drainItems. It's not specified in the config with comments but is it possible to use brewery potions as a drainItem? For example I wanted to create a recipe called Pickmeup and have it remove 50% of your alcohol content. I put Brewery:Pickmeup/50 into the drainItems section and it didn't work. Is there perhaps something I am doing wrong?
In reply to WolfiePlayz24:
No you can't use Brewery Items as DrainItem.
But you can attach server commands to Brewery Items, so you could use the command
Spigot Page ever going to be a thing?
In reply to Zerooblivious:
Um yes there is a Spigot Page since 2015
Hey, I’m probably doing something wrong myself, but I was trying to do vodka (10 potatoes fermenting for 15 minutes, 3-times distilled afterwards), but after fermenting it comes out as Potatomash and after distilling as a Murky Distillate, is there something I may be doing wrong? I’ve tried multiple times.
Sorry if it seems like a stupid question ^^”
In reply to Forge_User_11308888:
It may be a problem with another plugin. Could you give me a list of all your plugins?
A very good plugin, we are very glad that such a plugin exists at all. But there is one bug, as well as an idea for improvement, namely, I will start with a bug:
The bug only works with a server with a city system (Towny Plugin)
Namely, in the city itself, you can open it in a barrel, unlike the usual private
Add the ability to change the NBT tag for a drink, so that in the future, bind the texture to them
In reply to newjebv:
Towny support will be added in the next update. You can use LWC, WorldGuard or GriefPrevention in the meantime.
In the version 2.1.1 we just added the NBT Tag Custom Model Data, to add a custom Texture for each drink :)
In reply to Forge_User_25690006:
In reply to newjebv:
Sure, this Resourcepack changes Potions with Custom Model Data 557 to a Beer Glass:
The only ingredients I'm currently able to brew at all are apples, potatoes, grass, sugarcane, cocoa beans, milk and red mushrooms. The wiki says i should be able to brew sweet berries and flowers and eggs and whatnot but those won't go into the cauldron even when i click the side of it. Please help.
In reply to yourmombridget:
You still only have your old recipes in the config ;) the recipes you mention were added with 2.0
Easiest way to get them is to delete your config and do /brew reload
Or copy them from the default config here
Does anybody know of a good source for a file containing a nice number of brews? I'm the admin of a small server for myself and some friends, but I don't really wanna know all the brews already (which I would if I wrote them myself). I want to still be able to try and fail and in the end hopefully succeed in brewing some stuff. So is there any place where one could find a nice "library" of brews for this plugin? Thanks in advance, and just fyi, love this plugin ;3
All of my aged brews (even the defaults) aren't working and just come out as "Ruined Potion".
How do I fix this?