Break Bonus
BreakBonus is a plugin that give the player a bonus item every time he breaks x number of x types of blocks. Very useful for every type of server! You are able to set an item ID and it's name and lore. You can even execute a command after a bonus is delivered, that way you can use economy. Pure Freedom! :D
Commands and Permissions
- For the Bonus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . breakbonus.reward
- /bbreload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . breakbonus.reload
Config: # Configure as many blocks you want here. Blocks: '56': Objective: 64 Reward: ID: 264 Amount: 1 Name: '&bDiamond' Lore: '&7Bonus' BonusFound: '&bYou have found a Diamond under the rocks' ExecuteCmd: false Command: eco give %PLAYER% 50 '14': Objective: 32 Reward: ID: 266 Amount: 1 Name: '&6Gold Ingot' Lore: '&7Bonus' BonusFound: '&6Look, a Gold Ingot! \o/' ExecuteCmd: false Command: eco give %PLAYER% 25 # Just an useless translation. Lang: Reload: '&a[BreakBonus] Config Reloaded.'
To Do
UUID Support for versions > 1.7.8
To see this plugin in action visit PlussyCraft's Prison.
Join -> <- Once logged in, type /prison
Wow! The plugin i've been looking for! Would be so amazing if you could add amount of mobs killed and players. Also all the others like enchanting, brewing, walking, running, building, taking damage, etc..
I'll take a look at it today maybe.. Keep a eye at the forum thread. Any updates will be posted there :)
I had a little bit of a suggestion in my last comment, have you considered that yet?
"Maybe you could make it so each block has a % or a total amount needed to mine for a reward. Also, maybe there could be multiple rewards for each block."
Here is a new suggestion I thought of: it runs a command when you break the specified amount of blocks.
Thank you :D It's a super simple plugin. You can check the code at the forum.
Maybe you could make it so each block has a % or a total amount needed to mine for a reward. Also, maybe there could be multiple rewards for each block.
It's super weird that you made this plugin, I asked my developer to make the EXACT SAME THING as you have, but he failed horribly...
I am so excited to try this plugin, Thanks a lot for making it! For now, it's super late so I'll try it tomorrow! thanks man!
Thanks for the feedback. This is my first plugin, i'm learning yet... The goal is to uptate it as it becomes better. Thanks for the suggestions, i'l keep them in mind. :)
Useful Pluginand i have an advice:that you can count how many and what kind of block player has break,so why not create a SKILL? eg: player break iron_ore 200 times!so he can break the block more faster and gets more ore drop !other block can drop other additional drop when player breaks it a large amount of times,eg:sand drop gunpowder and itself!