The next step forward in ease of management of permissions!
You will need the plugin WebGUI_Plugin.jar and the client-side application WebGUI_Client.jar available in the WebGUI.zip package.
Don't forget to donate if you liked this! I worked HARD to make this all secure + working so show a little appreciation :)
Installation is as easy as dragging/dropping into your plugins folder and running once to generate the config.yml for this plugin.
After this is generated you will have a file that looks like this:
bind-port: 4545 bind-ip: ANY username: admin password: password whitelist-ip: - - localhost
bind-port is the port that the webgui binds to, bind-ip is the ip that the webgui binds to (set to ANY to allow for any ip bindings) and the whitelist-ip section is a list of ips that are allowed to connect by default (you can add more via commandline/ingame auth.
username/password are fairly self-explanatory, these are the username/password you must enter in the gui client in order to be able to access the server!
Then, just start up the client and input your server details and password. The server-format should be like this:
or if you have a non-standard (not 4545 port)
username@host:ip username@host:4545
There are a few ways to be allowed to connect:
- Have your ip in the whitelist-ip section
- Use the allowip YOURIP command from the console
- Be logged into the game and have the permission node bPermissions.gui
- Make sure and enter the correct username/password too!
Permission nodes/Commands
There is one command
/allowip YOURIP
This works like /allowip
Allows ips to be added without needing to be in-game.
There is one permission node
This allows you to be logged into the game and access the panel without auth (only while logged in) as well as allowing you to use the /allowip command.
In the download button at the top right.
Where do I get WebGUI.zip???? I've looked everywhere but can't find it.
How would you go about using this if you bought a server?
If it's possible, then i'm switching over :D
How do I remove a group, and set a group as default?
When I try to login, it acts like the webpage doesn't exist. When I look at my server, it says BAD USERNAME. What am I supposed to be putting in the username/password slot? I put Fuzzy_Craft and then my acutal password.
When you add/create a group and want to start using it right away, you can simply type: /bp reload INSTEAD of restarting server. At the moment, there is no way to delete groups with this. (Keep asking for it and I can probably get codename to do it :))
@MrPokeDSDude @niko_of_death Yes, it is compatible with the 1.2.5
Why is it that with this i have to stop and relaunch my server in order for the changes to take place, when with the in-game manager I don't even have to reload it?
Also, is there a way to delete groups with this?
What Mr poke said. Is this compatible with 1.2.5?
Is this compatible with a 1.2.5 bukkit server?
Do you need java 6 for this? because i use 7 update 4 and i get this error:
MissingFieldException[ The following required field is missing from the launch file: <jnlp>] at com.sun.javaws.jnl.XMLFormat.parse(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.jnl.LaunchDescFactory.buildDescriptor(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.jnl.LaunchDescFactory.buildDescriptor(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.jnl.LaunchDescFactory.buildDescriptor(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Main.launchApp(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Main.continueInSecureThread(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Main$1.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
First time use, so i cant say if it ever worked
ok so it let me login the first time, but now every time i try to login it says [SEVERE] Failed login (BAD USERNAME) with username: ChocolateMaster what do i do now? ._. i didnt change anything since it worked but now it DOESN'T work D: plz help
i think the gui shoud have 're-edit' button
./allowip (whatever your ip is)
When I try to connect it fails and in the console it says Bad IP. Please Help!
For some reason people that arent OP cant build any help please
Will it work with CB1.2.4-R1.0 (#2126)?
This project should either be marked as "inactive" or be upgraded now or when the CB recommended build is out.
oh was wondering why it would not work. finaly realised this is for 1.1 ... sad :P
When I connect with the GUI i`m not able to choose any world. Could you help me with that problem?