The next step forward in ease of management of permissions!
You will need the plugin WebGUI_Plugin.jar and the client-side application WebGUI_Client.jar available in the WebGUI.zip package.
Don't forget to donate if you liked this! I worked HARD to make this all secure + working so show a little appreciation :)
Installation is as easy as dragging/dropping into your plugins folder and running once to generate the config.yml for this plugin.
After this is generated you will have a file that looks like this:
bind-port: 4545 bind-ip: ANY username: admin password: password whitelist-ip: - - localhost
bind-port is the port that the webgui binds to, bind-ip is the ip that the webgui binds to (set to ANY to allow for any ip bindings) and the whitelist-ip section is a list of ips that are allowed to connect by default (you can add more via commandline/ingame auth.
username/password are fairly self-explanatory, these are the username/password you must enter in the gui client in order to be able to access the server!
Then, just start up the client and input your server details and password. The server-format should be like this:
or if you have a non-standard (not 4545 port)
username@host:ip username@host:4545
There are a few ways to be allowed to connect:
- Have your ip in the whitelist-ip section
- Use the allowip YOURIP command from the console
- Be logged into the game and have the permission node bPermissions.gui
- Make sure and enter the correct username/password too!
Permission nodes/Commands
There is one command
/allowip YOURIP
This works like /allowip
Allows ips to be added without needing to be in-game.
There is one permission node
This allows you to be logged into the game and access the panel without auth (only while logged in) as well as allowing you to use the /allowip command.
Hello! When i attempt to connect my client GUI freezes and i get the error in the console " [SEVERE] Exception in thread "Thread-12"
[SEVERE] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: de/bananaco/bpermissions/api/WorldManager
[SEVERE] at de.bananaco.webgui.JSONStringWriter.encode(JSONStringWriter.java:20)
[SEVERE] at de.bananaco.webgui.RequestHandler.run(RequestHandler.java:59)
[SEVERE] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722
[SEVERE] Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: de.bananaco.bpermissions.api.WorldManager
[SEVERE] at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:366)
[SEVERE] at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:355)
[SEVERE] at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
[SEVERE] at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:354)
[SEVERE] at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass0(PluginClassLoader.java:80)
[SEVERE] at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass(PluginClassLoader.java:53)
[SEVERE] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:423)
[SEVERE] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:356)
17:14:05 [SEVERE] ... 3 more"
This is using the 2.0 fix version with the latest bukkit and minecraft, the bpermissions version is the 3.0 latest version
If you could tell me what is wrong it would be greatly apprciated!
No way to add/delete groups in the client; nor can you alter your promote/demote tracks. Nor apply a promote/demote from the client.
At least not in the version available in V3.0 download, client is missing off the 1.4.7 one. - my gui looks different to your screen shot too, yours has add/remove all mine shows is the 3 drop down lists at the bottom.
Also be better if it only pulled down the currently selected world/user - cause it appears to pull down the entire permissions folder at the moment.. ive got 16 worlds.. with all the players copied in each so its a bit slow :P
Otherwise seems adequate for a quick tweak now and again if i cbf logging into ssh.
There was no client update. Use latest plugin and the client from 1.3.2
I figured out how to use this, just getting a Connection Error in the end. What am I doing wrong? I used the plugin from the 1.4.7 version and the client from 1.3.2 (3.0). Is it because this thing is outdated? (Learned the setup from BukkitTeacher's tutorial)
no client huh? wellp ok
EDIT: I got it to connect now how do I add anything? All I have is default group and thats it, I have no idea how to add anything or remove anything. Love the plugin but your tutorial doesn't even teach anything :\
Download only provide the plugin, not the client
13:39:24 [SEVERE] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.bpermissions.gui.util.JSONWorld.add(Lde/bananaco/bpermissions/api/util/Calculable;)V 13:39:24 [SEVERE] at com.bpermissions.gui.util.JSONWorld.load(JSONWorld.java:50) 13:39:24 [SEVERE] at com.bpermissions.gui.util.JSONWorldManager.decode(JSONWorldManager.java:41) 13:39:24 [SEVERE] at de.bananaco.webgui.RequestHandler.run(RequestHandler.java:69) 13:39:24 [SEVERE] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:679)
This, I have same situation.
Where is the download for the control window?
I am sorry but I am a little confused on the "Allow IP" I have a dynamic IP with my net service it changes daily and each time I reset my modem; so do I have to renter my IP everyday? LMK, Lori
It used to have a Web GUI (hence the name) but it was horribly insecure and was subject to things like packet spoofing and interception attacks.
Does bPermissionsWebGUI actually have a Web gui? The instructions only seem to mention being able to connect with a special client program, which is still great, but probably harder to motivate my admins to use.
I put both the Client and the Server jars in the \bPermissionsWebGUI folder, then I double clicked on the WebGUI_Client.jar. It opened the GUI just like in the screenshot above.
It would be great if you could make this but for offline use. Not with a direct connect with servers. It just generates the right file so it just dragging into the bpermissions folder. I want to see this because I can't connect to my server :/
- Top, right-hand side of this Bukkit plugin page - section called "Facts"
- Look under "Recent Files"
- Download "WebGUIPlugin for CB 1.4.7...."
- Place this in your plugin folder
- Download "v3.0 for CB 1.3.2...." !!! THIS IS THE ELUSIVE ZIP PACKAGE !!!
- Extract this zip package anywhere you like and double-click/run "WebGUI_Client.jar"
Please update your instructions when you update your plugin. New users can't be expected to know how it all works. It's always a good idea to use step-by-step instructions when explaining the installation/setup process. If you assume someone knows NOTHING about your plugin, the worst that can happen is when someone that already knows the information you're explaining simply skips over the bits they know.
I'm a new user and I can't work out how the web-client works. I'd be happy to donate if you could supply a dummies-guide to installing and using your plugin. At the moment I think it's all pretty confusing.
See, the handy "download" button at the top of the Bukkit plugin page only downloads your update of the plugin file, which is useless by itself. It's actually not mentioned ANYWHERE within your instructions which files are required to be downloaded.
Your plugin/GUI idea is fantastic. I hope I can get it working soon! Thanks!
Where do I find the ZIP Package?
I have my server on and running, the username and password for the WebGUI is correct but when I click on retrieve nothing happens. My worlds don't show, nothing shows up on the console and nothing happens at all. What am I doing wrong?
I find this horribly confusing, could someone lead me to a guide that can help me with this?
I just get the plugin bPermissionsWebGUI.jar. No WebGUI_Plugin.jar or WebGUI_Client.jar. What do I do with it?