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What steps will reproduce the problem?1. place WebGUI_Server.jar in plugins2. start server up3. ls - no new WebGUI folder to edit config.yml
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?I expected a config file to set bind port address etc.
What version of the product are you using?3
Do you have an error log of what happened?01:56:25 [INFO] [bPermissionsWebGUI] Enabling bPermissionsWebGUI v2.001:56:25 [INFO] [bPermissionsWebGUI 2.0] bPermissions 2.9.21 detected, hooking in.01:56:25 [INFO] [bPermissionsWebGUI 2.0] Enabled01:56:25 [INFO] [bPermissions] Enabling bPermissions v2.9.2101:56:25 [INFO] [bPermissions] Loading world: world01:56:25 [INFO] [bPermissions] Loading world: world_nether01:56:25 [INFO] [bPermissions] Loading world: world_the_end
Please provide any additional information below.
The server does seem to be listening on port 4545 (the default) however. Also the latest 3.0 still outputs [bPermissionsWebGUI 2.0]Enabled.
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