Noob Level 99
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These step by step instructions have been designed to help you get a basic bPermissions setup running on your server!
On the main page, click the "Download" button.
On the next page right click the "Download" button and choose "Save Link as..."
Save link as bpermissions.jar in your "plugins" folder
Run your server once to generate the default files.
Start your server again then type "permissions helpme" into the console and stop the server.
A default users.yml and groups.yml have been generated for you.
Edit the files until you are happy with them.
Copy the edited default files.
Paste them into your "worldname" folders to replace the empty files there.
Start your server. You now have a basic permissions setup.
In-game commands are equally easy to use.
can you tell me what things are for what colors i know its & then a leter or a number and what letter or number is for what color?
P.S. besides that i get it perfectly i just need the color stuff
Hello. Can anyone explain ? Why /perm example files generates empty files ? (Instead of /helpme ? it generates all av perm on server)
l=bold text
o=text dont know how to say it but is going a bit to the side.
Sup guys,
Is is possible to have a player be part of 2 groups, and inherit both prefixes/suffixes?
Examples for such usages would be if a player was: [Trusted],
but had also donated to get: [$$],
and their name was 'Notch'.
How can I make it so it says: [Trusted] [$$] Notch: %message, but not making a separate group for him specifically?
Thanks, Logik
I had this set before fine for some reason now it wont gen the user or world files not sure why if I try and run any of the commands it gives me a fatal error ?? I guess ill try again when no ones on it so im not kicking them off every time i stop it ...
im at the part of copying and pasting the group and user to the world files but.. as i launch the server it doesnt apply the permissions of the groups / users and has a error with a node??? help please
i dont know what to do help me
Apparently it isn't generating the default files for me. I've downloaded the .jar file into my plugins folder, run the server once and stopped it. Run it again and type in "permissions helpme" but still all there is in the folder are:
config.yml mirrors.yml tracks.yml
type: permissions examplefiles
Where exactly are these "default users.yml and groups.yml" saved on a mac? I already downloaded bpermissions and typed "permissions examplefiles" (that's what worked) to get default files, I'm just having trouble finding them. Also, where do I paste them? I am on a mac, so please, please do not give me the answer for a windows computer.
How do i set so my default group 'Builder' gets the prefix ingame? All images are broken,.. now who's on level 99?
Well atleast now I'll get as far as even getting the default group to work lol
I think I am noob level 1000 when it comes to bperms
Had to look at this xD And no images work btw.
Lol FINALY after what 7 months (dayum longer than I thought) I have worked out the mythical secret to bpermissions
Noob Level 99 pics not working
In reply to RibShark:
Images won't load