/exec using Selectors via CommandBlock #686

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  • Enhancment
  • _ForgeUser10423059 created this issue Jun 16, 2015

    Problematic syntax:
    /exec u:@p[something] (...)

    Desired syntax:
    /exec @p[something] (...)
    /exec u @p[something] (...)
    or with a completely new command to allow one of the desired syntaxes like:
    /exec2 <world> <user> <action> <value>

    Reason for desired syntax is: Selectors are not being interpreted the way it currently is. If they are surrounded by certain characters (space, end-of-line and probably others I am not aware of), they ARE being interpreted. Due to this, /user @p[something] works, but u:@p[something] will not send an actual username to bP, but rather the uninterpreted selector.

    When doing CommandBlock circuits using /user @p[something]: Since the whole "commandblock user" can only select one player at a time, certain permission-related automations can not do stuff for all users at the same time, but rather in a single-threaded way. Imagine 10 users wanting to change something group- or perm-related (for example a title on our server) - a commandblock-circuit has to select user 1, set his desired group, then select user 2, set his desired group, and so on. If this whole thing was possible with a single command each (using /exec with an alternative desired syntax), such a circuit could essentially work in a multi-threaded manner, instead of processing one user at a time.

    We're doing as much as possible using CommandBlocks on our server, so we depend on selectors being interpreted, if a plugin supports command execution through CommandBlocks.

    Which version of bPermissions are you using?:
    -> 2.10.9m

    Which version of CraftBukkit?:
    -> git-Spigot-07a5b1b-53433de (MC: 1.8.7) [I hope that's what you need]

    Which OS?
    -> Debian Wheezy

    Any other information we may need (plugins, configs, etc):
    -> Can't think of anything essential here.

  • _ForgeUser10423059 added the tags New Enhancment Jun 16, 2015
  • _ForgeUser10423059 edited description Jun 18, 2015

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