Bpermissions wont clear prefix correctly #591

  • New
  • Defect
  • _ForgeUser7301475 created this issue Jul 18, 2013

    Describe to us the issue that you're having:
    I can add a prefix to a user (i.e. /u meta prefix [&4Test&r]) but when i try to clear it /u cmeta prefix it does not remove the prefix like it says

    Which steps will reproduce this problem?:
    1) /world (mainworld)
    2) /user (username)
    3) /user meta prefix test
    4) /user cmeta prefix

    Which version of bPermissions are you using?: (Please don't say "latest"!!!)
    v2.10.5 for 1.6.2

    Which version of CraftBukkit?: (Please don't say "latest"!!!)
    git-Bukkit-1.5.2-R1.0-25-g2a13a5a-b2812jnks (MC: 1.6.2) (Implementing API version 1.6.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Build #2812)

    Please fill out this form properly! Failing to do so may result in your ticket being marked invalid.

  • _ForgeUser7301475 added the tags New Defect Jul 18, 2013

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