bPermission Major Mess, No Results #433

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  • _ForgeUser8968280 created this issue Oct 6, 2012

    Describe to us the issue that you're having:
    when i change a rank of my staff members and then relaod the server it reverts them back as if the change had never been made in the first place. Any changes that i make while the server is "stopped" dont take any affect at all. my server is running a stable build of 1.3.2 R1.0, and my bpermissions plugin is a stable build equal to that as well. I get errors stating that none of the three permissions file (1 per world) have loaded correctly. I understand in the changelog something has changed to "snakeyaml". does that mean that the way i should write the permissions file has changed from the 1.2.5 version? The examples shown on the page show that i am entering everything correctly and that i should write them exactly the same.

    Which steps will reproduce this problem?:
    1)No idea
    2)No idea
    3)Still no idea

    Do you have an error log of what happened?
    yes, but it tells me to consult the server log, when i consult the server log, it just tells me to consult the server log... see the issue?

    Which version of bPermissions are you using?: (Please don't say "latest"!!!)
    currently, im trying to use v2.9.24
    Which version of CraftBukkit?: (Please don't say "latest"!!!)
    build 2377
    Which OS?
    windows 7, 64 bit
    Any other information we may need (plugins, configs, etc):

    Please fill out this form properly! Failing to do so may result in your ticket being marked invalid.

  • _ForgeUser8968280 added the tags New Other Oct 6, 2012
  • Forge_User_53439273 posted a comment Oct 7, 2012

    paste your file, I'll fix them for you.

  • _ForgeUser8968280 posted a comment Oct 7, 2012

    default: resident groups: Governor: permissions: - bPermissions.build - essentials.ban.exempt - essentials.ban.notify - essentials.break.bedrock - essentials.broadcast - essentials.clearinventory.others - essentials.feed.others - essentials.fly.others - essentials.gamemode - essentials.gamemode.others - essentials.god.others - essentials.heal - essentials.heal.others - essentials.invsee - essentials.invsee.modify - essentials.kick.exempt - essentials.kick.notify - essentials.kill - essentials.lightning - essentials.list.hidden - essentials.near - essentials.nick.others - essentials.nuke - essentials.ping - essentials.protect.notrigger - essentials.sethome.multiple.unlimited - essentials.sudo - essentials.tempban.exempt - essentials.time.set - essentials.tpo - essentials.tpohere - worldguard.region.define - worldguard.region.redefine - worldguard.region.claim - worldguard.region.select.* - worldguard.region.info.own - worldguard.region.info - worldguard.region.addowner.own.* - worldguard.region.addowner.* - worldguard.region.removeowner.* - worldguard.region.addmember.* - worldguard.region.removemember.* - worldguard.region.list.own - worldguard.region.list - worldguard.region.flag.regions.own.* - worldguard.region.flag.regions.member.* - worldguard.region.flag.flags.* - worldguard.region.setpriority.* - worldguard.region.setparent.* - worldguard.region.teleport.* - worldguard.region.remove.* - worldguard.region.reload groups: - Guardian meta: priority: '200' prefix: '&2[Governor]' Resident: permissions: - bPermissions.build - essentials.back - essentials.balance - essentials.balance.others - essentials.balancetop - essentials.pay - essentials.delhome - essentials.help - essentials.home - essentials.list - essentials.sethome - essentials.spawn - essentials.tpa - essentials.tpaccept - essentials.tpahere - essentials.tpdeny - group.default - lwc.create - lwc.info - lwc.modify - lwc.remove - lwc.unlock - scs.create.buy - scs.create.display - scs.create.sell - scs.manage - scs.remove - scs.use - silkspawners.destroydrop groups: [] meta: prefix: '&e[Resident]' Guardian: permissions: - shift.autoclock - shift.clock - shift.clockcheck - shift.clocklist - bPermissions.build - dynmap.render - dynmap.show.self - dynmap.hide.self - dynmap.fullrender - dynmap.radiusrender - dynmap.updaterender - dynmap.cancelrender - dynmap.stats - dynmap.ids-for-ip - dynmap.ips-for-id - dynmap.add-id-for-ip - dynmap.del-id-for-ip - dynmap.marker.add - dynmap.marker.movehere - dynmap.marker.update - dynmap.marker.delete - dynmap.marker.list - dynmap.marker.icons - dynmap.marker.addset - dynmap.marker.updateset - dynmap.marker.deleteset - dynmap.marker.listsets - dynmap.marker.addicon - dynmap.marker.updateicon - dynmap.marker.deleteicon - dynmap.marker.addarea - dynmap.marker.updatearea - dynmap.marker.deletearea - dynmap.marker.listareas - dynmap.marker.addline - dynmap.marker.updateline - dynmap.marker.deleteline - dynmap.marker.listlines - dynmap.webchat - essentials.afk - essentials.back.ondeath - essentials.break - essentials.chat.color - essentials.clearinventory - essentials.ext - essentials.feed - essentials.fly - essentials.getpos - essentials.getpos.others - essentials.god - essentials.joinfullserver - essentials.jump - essentials.kick - essentials.list.hidden - essentials.magic - essentials.mail - essentials.mail.send - essentials.msg - essentials.msg.color - essentials.msg.format - essentials.msg.magic - essentials.msg.url - essentials.nick - essentials.nick.format - essentials.protect - essentials.protect.alerts - essentials.sethome.multiple - essentials.sethome.multiple.3 - essentials.sleepingignored - essentials.tempban - essentials.tempban.offline - essentials.top - essentials.tp - essentials.tp.others - essentials.tphere - essentials.tptoggle - essentials.weather - mobdisguise.* - nocheat.checks.moving.flying - nocheat.checks.moving.nofall - vanish.standard groups: - Resident meta: priority: '100' prefix: '&b[Guardian]' Sovereign: permissions: - bPermissions.admin - bPermissions.build - dynmap.* - dynmap.cancelrender - dynmap.fullrender - dynmap.reload - essentials.burn - essentials.enchant - essentials.kickall - essentials.killall - essentials.setspawn - essentials.spawnmob - essentials.sudo.exempt - essentials.tpall - essentials.unban groups: - governor meta: priority: '300' prefix: '&d[Sovereign]' $Resident: permissions: groups: - Resident meta: priority: '125' prefix: &a'[$]&e[Resident]' Squire: permissions: - shift.autoclock - shift.clock - shift.clockcheck - shift.clocklist - bPermissions.build - ban.announce - ban.check - essentials.afk - essentials.clearinventory - essentials.ext - essentials.feed - essentials.getpos - essentials.getpos.others - essentials.joinfullserver - essentials.jump - essentials.kick - essentials.list.hidden - essentials.msg - essentials.msg.color - essentials.msg.format - essentials.msg.magic - essentials.msg.url - essentials.protect - essentials.protect.alerts - essentials.sethome.multiple - essentials.sethome.multiple.3 - essentials.top - essentials.tp - essentials.tp.others - essentials.tphere - vanish.standard groups: - Resident meta: priority: '99' prefix: '&9[Squire] Noble: permissions: - bPermissions.build - dynmap.show.others - dynmap.hide.others - dynmap.reload - dynmap.resetstats - dynmap.sendtoweb - dynmap.purgequeue - dynmap.dmap.worldlist - dynmap.dmap.worldset - dynmap.dmap.worldreset - dynmap.dmap.mapdelete - dynmap.dmap.mapset - dynmap.dmap.mapadd - dynmap.dmap.perspectivelist - dynmap.dmap.shaderlist - dynmap.dmap.lightinglist - dynmap.webregister - dynmap.webregister.other - dynmap.playermarkers.showall - essentials.ban.exempt - essentials.ban.notify - essentials.heal - essentials.invsee - essentials.invsee.modify - essentials.kick.exempt - essentials.kick.notify - essentials.lightning - essentials.list.hidden - essentials.near - essentials.nuke - essentials.ping - essentials.protect.notrigger - essentials.sethome.multiple.5 - essentials.sudo - essentials.tempban.exempt - essentials.time.set - essentials.tpall - essentials.tpo - essentials.tppos - lwc.mod - mobdisguise.player groups: - Guardian meta: priority: '150' prefix: '&6[Noble]'

  • _ForgeUser8968280 posted a comment Oct 10, 2012

    @codename_B: Go

    default: resident groups: Governor: permissions: - bPermissions.build - essentials.ban.exempt - essentials.ban.notify - essentials.break.bedrock - essentials.broadcast - essentials.clearinventory.others - essentials.feed.others - essentials.fly.others - essentials.gamemode - essentials.gamemode.others - essentials.god.others - essentials.heal - essentials.heal.others - essentials.invsee - essentials.invsee.modify - essentials.kick.exempt - essentials.kick.notify - essentials.kill - essentials.lightning - essentials.list.hidden - essentials.near - essentials.nick.others - essentials.nuke - essentials.ping - essentials.protect.notrigger - essentials.sethome.multiple.unlimited - essentials.sudo - essentials.tempban.exempt - essentials.time.set - essentials.tpo - essentials.tpohere - worldguard.region.define - worldguard.region.redefine - worldguard.region.claim - worldguard.region.select.* - worldguard.region.info.own - worldguard.region.info - worldguard.region.addowner.own.* - worldguard.region.addowner.* - worldguard.region.removeowner.* - worldguard.region.addmember.* - worldguard.region.removemember.* - worldguard.region.list.own - worldguard.region.list - worldguard.region.flag.regions.own.* - worldguard.region.flag.regions.member.* - worldguard.region.flag.flags.* - worldguard.region.setpriority.* - worldguard.region.setparent.* - worldguard.region.teleport.* - worldguard.region.remove.* - worldguard.region.reload groups: - Guardian meta: priority: '200' prefix: '&2[Governor]' Resident: permissions: - bPermissions.build - essentials.back - essentials.balance - essentials.balance.others - essentials.balancetop - essentials.pay - essentials.delhome - essentials.help - essentials.home - essentials.list - essentials.sethome - essentials.spawn - essentials.tpa - essentials.tpaccept - essentials.tpahere - essentials.tpdeny - group.default - lwc.create - lwc.info - lwc.modify - lwc.remove - lwc.unlock - scs.create.buy - scs.create.display - scs.create.sell - scs.manage - scs.remove - scs.use - silkspawners.destroydrop groups: [] meta: prefix: '&e[Resident]' Guardian: permissions: - shift.autoclock - shift.clock - shift.clockcheck - shift.clocklist - bPermissions.build - dynmap.render - dynmap.show.self - dynmap.hide.self - dynmap.fullrender - dynmap.radiusrender - dynmap.updaterender - dynmap.cancelrender - dynmap.stats - dynmap.ids-for-ip - dynmap.ips-for-id - dynmap.add-id-for-ip - dynmap.del-id-for-ip - dynmap.marker.add - dynmap.marker.movehere - dynmap.marker.update - dynmap.marker.delete - dynmap.marker.list - dynmap.marker.icons - dynmap.marker.addset - dynmap.marker.updateset - dynmap.marker.deleteset - dynmap.marker.listsets - dynmap.marker.addicon - dynmap.marker.updateicon - dynmap.marker.deleteicon - dynmap.marker.addarea - dynmap.marker.updatearea - dynmap.marker.deletearea - dynmap.marker.listareas - dynmap.marker.addline - dynmap.marker.updateline - dynmap.marker.deleteline - dynmap.marker.listlines - dynmap.webchat - essentials.afk - essentials.back.ondeath - essentials.break - essentials.chat.color - essentials.clearinventory - essentials.ext - essentials.feed - essentials.fly - essentials.getpos - essentials.getpos.others - essentials.god - essentials.joinfullserver - essentials.jump - essentials.kick - essentials.list.hidden - essentials.magic - essentials.mail - essentials.mail.send - essentials.msg - essentials.msg.color - essentials.msg.format - essentials.msg.magic - essentials.msg.url - essentials.nick - essentials.nick.format - essentials.protect - essentials.protect.alerts - essentials.sethome.multiple - essentials.sethome.multiple.3 - essentials.sleepingignored - essentials.tempban - essentials.tempban.offline - essentials.top - essentials.tp - essentials.tp.others - essentials.tphere - essentials.tptoggle - essentials.weather - mobdisguise.* - nocheat.checks.moving.flying - nocheat.checks.moving.nofall - vanish.standard groups: - Resident meta: priority: '100' prefix: '&b[Guardian]' Sovereign: permissions: - bPermissions.admin - bPermissions.build - dynmap.* - dynmap.cancelrender - dynmap.fullrender - dynmap.reload - essentials.burn - essentials.enchant - essentials.kickall - essentials.killall - essentials.setspawn - essentials.spawnmob - essentials.sudo.exempt - essentials.tpall - essentials.unban groups: - governor meta: priority: '300' prefix: '&d[Sovereign]' $Resident: permissions: groups: - Resident meta: priority: '125' prefix: &a'[$]&e[Resident]' Squire: permissions: - shift.autoclock - shift.clock - shift.clockcheck - shift.clocklist - bPermissions.build - ban.announce - ban.check - essentials.afk - essentials.clearinventory - essentials.ext - essentials.feed - essentials.getpos - essentials.getpos.others - essentials.joinfullserver - essentials.jump - essentials.kick - essentials.list.hidden - essentials.msg - essentials.msg.color - essentials.msg.format - essentials.msg.magic - essentials.msg.url - essentials.protect - essentials.protect.alerts - essentials.sethome.multiple - essentials.sethome.multiple.3 - essentials.top - essentials.tp - essentials.tp.others - essentials.tphere - vanish.standard groups: - Resident meta: priority: '99' prefix: '&9[Squire] Noble: permissions: - bPermissions.build - dynmap.show.others - dynmap.hide.others - dynmap.reload - dynmap.resetstats - dynmap.sendtoweb - dynmap.purgequeue - dynmap.dmap.worldlist - dynmap.dmap.worldset - dynmap.dmap.worldreset - dynmap.dmap.mapdelete - dynmap.dmap.mapset - dynmap.dmap.mapadd - dynmap.dmap.perspectivelist - dynmap.dmap.shaderlist - dynmap.dmap.lightinglist - dynmap.webregister - dynmap.webregister.other - dynmap.playermarkers.showall - essentials.ban.exempt - essentials.ban.notify - essentials.heal - essentials.invsee - essentials.invsee.modify - essentials.kick.exempt - essentials.kick.notify - essentials.lightning - essentials.list.hidden - essentials.near - essentials.nuke - essentials.ping - essentials.protect.notrigger - essentials.sethome.multiple.5 - essentials.sudo - essentials.tempban.exempt - essentials.time.set - essentials.tpall - essentials.tpo - essentials.tppos - lwc.mod - mobdisguise.player groups: - Guardian meta: priority: '150' prefix: '&6[Noble]'

  • Forge_User_53439273 posted a comment Oct 11, 2012

    Can you maybe put them on like... pastebin?

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