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UploadedJan 10, 2012
Size118.63 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.0.1-R1
New codebase entirely
Implemented custom events properly, thanks @Kainzo
Added legacy API support
Fixed NPE! :D
Fixed issue with storing group metadata
Fixed issue with mirrors
Added /permissions helpme command
Added /permissions import yml
Added /permissions import p3
Changed from alpha to beta
Updated version and fixed NPE in importer
Added promotion tracks of three types "multi" "lump" and "single"
Added /permissions cleanup command
Added back old command structure (untested, please report all bugs, old-style command shortcuts DO NOT WORK - configured in config_old.yml
Added metadata "priority" key for multigroup use
Added sanity checking and debug to import
Fixed promotion track permission nodes - thanks @Darq!
Fixed /permissions reload not re-applying all permissions globally every time
Fixed SuperPermissionHandler NPE (hopefully, since I can't replicate) and made it fail gracefully with an error