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UploadedDec 15, 2011
Size136.35 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.0.1-R1
2011-12-15T18:45:24-08:00; Fixed hasPermission checking Update to 2.1.4b
2011-12-15T17:42:42-08:00; Update to 2.1.3b
2011-12-15T17:42:00-08:00; Fix wiping the file if a YAML error is present
2011-12-15T10:46:32-08:00; update version 2.1.2b http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/bpermissions/files/55-v2-1-2b/
2011-12-15T10:39:11-08:00; Fix the NinjaGrinch NPE
2011-12-15T10:19:17-08:00; You know, this sorting permissions alphabetically could really catch on
2011-12-15T10:11:37-08:00; Sort permissions alphabetically upon saving @Kainzo ;)
2011-12-15T04:42:31-08:00; Added and implemented RecursiveGroupException
2011-12-15T04:14:01-08:00; Fixed permissions not negating properly+updated version
2011-12-14T02:56:22-08:00; update version
2011-12-14T02:55:52-08:00; Fixed /permissions reload not refreshing player permissions
2011-12-14T02:52:00-08:00; Fixed not lowercasing offline-player permission nodes for checks (oops)
Keeps usage statistics
Requires a fresh worldname.yml file (which is now in the root directory)
You can import your old yaml over using "/permissions import yml"