Stone Brick Ruins Shop/Other Blocks don't appear #205

  • New
  • Defect
  • _ForgeUser16986165 created this issue Nov 28, 2014

    I recently began using BossShopConfigure to make my shops. I recently began adding my first buyable items to the shop. I am currently having this issue:

    Every time I add stone brick to the shop, an empty gap with nothing between the stone brick and the last item. It also adds the wrong type of stone bricks, im trying to add regular stone bricks with ID '98' and nothing else. This happens: When you buy the stone brick, everything works fine. It charges you and gives you the proper item. Just the display is messed up.

    Also, when I add regular sand with the ID '24', it adds red sand. But it gives you regular sand for the correctly configured price. Also adds the chiseled sandstone display for sandstone sometimes although I just added regular sandstone.

    Here is an archive of my whole Boss Shop folder:

    Also, a little side question. How can I make items sellable? Like how would I make 32 Obsidian sell for $200?

    Thank you.

  • _ForgeUser16986165 added the tags New Defect Nov 28, 2014
  • _ForgeUser16986165 posted a comment Dec 2, 2014


  • _ForgeUser16986165 posted a comment Dec 7, 2014


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