Price Multipliers/Discounts #146

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  • Other
  • _ForgeUser12857416 created this issue May 2, 2014

    Short description about the bug/problem:

    I can't find how I need to add discounts or multipliers (for donators etc) I've searched throughout all the pages of the bossshop plugin but I can't find how I can add that.

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. I can't find how to add discounts/multipliers

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

    What version of BossShop are you using?
    The Latest version

    Do you have an error log of what happened? Please paste it at!

    Please provide any additional information below.
    I want to know how to add it in the config.yml not with the special program!

    Best Regards,

  • _ForgeUser12857416 added the tags New Other May 2, 2014

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